H Pal - Mythic + is hard

Oh trust me I agree it’s too much. I play every healer and holy paladin has suffered some of the most hilarious nerfs since DF it’s depressing. Sure some of it’s needed but holy paladin is the only healer I seen page after page after page after page…

Was it after 10.2 where we got that two pages of nerfs? And totally agree that HOS is carrying the spec.

I honestly don’t know how I would heal without popping wings and getting all those beautiful lines out with Dawnlight.


Genuinely what is the point of providing feedback? What’s the point of the forms? They don’t fix the bugs pointed out, they incorrectly nerf, they are just incredibly disconnected and demoralizing.

Do we just keep screaming into the void?

Tune raid and M+ separately, or rework mastery, or heck, fix the dawnlights bug, fix our dmg.
Like do a good job or get fired already

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Even with TWW beta rework, Hpal haven’t fully recovered from 10.2 nerfs and now this brings me vietnam flashbacks when my Mw/Disc/Rdruid where doing more healing/dps with 30 ilvls lower than my Hpal back then.

Also, Rip 1 min Blessing of Sacrifice.

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lololol another nerf because these people keep saying how good Hpal is… I have been warning everyone, but I have been tossed off continously. Yall keep it up its gonna be nerfed AGAIN. 11% In a month is WILD. Not even a nerf to Pres they got a BUFF.

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It is wild, but it’s not that simple. If class tuning requires more than a 10% adjustment in the space of a few weeks, someone has seriously dropped the ball during Beta.

It should never have got that much out of hand. Nerfing individual spells by 10% or more is understandable as live data becomes available. You expect outliers and the need to fix them. But telling us that everything we do is at least 11% incorrect after months of testing? That’s mind boggling.

It’s not second best in most fights. Since the changes last week hpal has significantly dropped.

I’m trying to do what they did on the mage and druid forums where we start a request to reverse it. They got it, if we can get enough good ideas or alternatives or solid reasons why, we have a good shot to reverse ours too.