H Pal - Mythic + is hard

We literally have two casted spells. Things have changed. The class is far more a melee healing class than a caster.

Regardless of opinions on which play style to pick, the problem is trying to make the class do both casting and melee. Pick one and build on it.

In its current state it’s far more equipped to accommodate melee style, but regardless of which way it goes, trying to make the class both a caster and melee is extremely bad

Just play resto shaman it’s way easier. Wait until Blizz decides to do some actual balancing

Holy pala is goated. It’s easier than it used to be, which i’m iffy about. I miss daybreak and glimmer, but there’s nothing like the satisfaction of being in melee, maintaining high apm, dodging mechanics, keeping everyone alive and being like yah I have an answer for everything this is the bomb. It rewards being technically sound

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It is pretty wild how much easier resto sham is

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I believe they are trying to change it again back towards what it used to be.

They manage on mistweaver so we know its possible.

This is the same every single season where there’s a healer a cut above the rest. I still remember everyone over and over saying this about Hpal all long in S2 of DF. Now its R-shammy, before it was Rdruid, a season before was MW, etc etc.

I feel the same exact way. Long gone are the days where I had to use FoL to spot heal, cast 3 seconds of Tyr’s and HoD, and manage glimmers and DT to barely do any healing/damage.

There’s only one thing I miss, and that’s my 15% AM , my 3 globals total SotRs and 1-min Sac. Forever in my memories.

This is true for a lot of healers. Most healers have a lot of globals they need to churn through to heal heavy damage. So the start of expac with low haste values really hurts.

1 min sac :sob:


Holy paladin has always been very different than traditional healing styles other classes have to offer and some people find it more difficult while others don’t.

Who knows it could be class balance but from my personal discussion with other healers over the last few years is often that they have trouble adjusting to paladins unique style of healing compared to the others.

Personally, when I first started I had to change the way I healed from how I did before with macros, ui, and even some hotkey changes to accommodate holy paladin’s differences. I managed to set something up for myself that makes it feel a bit more intuitive.

Albeit, I haven’t played much holy in the later stages of dragonflight so I can’t say for sure how it’s doing now but I suspect it’s still pretty similar and some people coming from other classes to holy paladin might still typically feel growing pains.

In my opinion anyway, it’s 100% due to the weird jank way Holy Paladins are designed, by their nature.

Other classes tend to have healing spells that are actually different, or actually fed into each other properly.

To use a bad example off the top of my head. Shaman’s Healing Surge and Healing Waveare basically the same spell, one is just faster, cost more, ect ect. Sounds a lot like Holy Light and Flash of Light.

But Shaman’s have a mechanic where you’re encouraged to Healing Surge after casting your Healing Wave 3 times, because with Undulation it will always be 50% stronger. Which is a nice mechanic that lets your two similar healing spells work together.

Then you have Holy Light and Flash of Light, where there’s really no interaction between the two, and it always comes down to which one is just better in all situations. I believe right now we seldom use Flash of Light, because it heals for so much less, especially when you have Holy Shock when you need the fast heal, that’s also instant. Instead the spec interaction comes from Infusions, which again leads us to prioritize one heal over the other. And I feel it’s because of things like this that they overdesigned Holy to juggle a bunch of plates to do their healing instead of just designing the spec to do the healing.

As been stated, it’s what makes us unique, but it also makes us a nightmare to balance.

idk about that i tanked tanked a +5 grim batol with a well geared Hpally and the key died because they just couldn’t keep anyone up. We all knew what to do and followed mechanics, but the damage going out was just too much for them. It died when one of the dps called the healer trash and left. and while i won’t say H pallies are trash, but their heals could be a lot better.

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Look at my keys, I have 2 10s timed and all the rest 9s, multiple ++.

I haven’t been playing that much this season either, and 10s are currently a nightmare to pug because of the new timer affix. There has not been a single instance where damage has been too much for me, keys are depleted because of random/silly deaths now.

If a Hpal couldn’t heal a 5, I 100% assure, he was the problem, not the spec.

A 5 is healeable with like 580 ilvl or even less with any healer.

I healed a 10 mists with only one death and it was still a close call even with all DPS doing about 1.2mil

Silly deaths are 100% the reason a key fails, but id much rather key success be more of play my class well, than the mechanics.

Such as healing checks and DPS checks being more important than doing every single mechanic absolutely perfectly

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And yet they just announced another 5% nerf to our overall healing.
How many nerfs have we endured now since launch? Yet Rshamans are still enjoying their beta prowess.


I think we’re looking at a flat 11% (I know a previous one was 6, and this is another 5 decrease post launch. Will need to see how that feels in practice but…yeah.

Paladins can burst very high when needed and have a lot of tools to help people survive just less than shamans but the numbers are not that far off…It’s far more an utility thing.

Honestly only healer I kind of feel bad for in mythic plus are holy priests.

There’s no way these developers aren’t just disassociating and using a magic 8-ball to figure out how to balance things. Completely brain dead

You are not exactly wrong, but this is too much. 11% of post launch nerf is disheartening considering this is mostly raid based, where let me remind you, hpal performance in raid is 2nd best at the moment because of A BUG that has existed since beta and blizzard haven’t fixed yet, and this is gonna impact M+ as well.

At the moment, the top paladin healer in m+ is Ellesmere, being in the top 50, not even top 10, and there are 16 Rshammies in the top 20.

We are kind of close to see holy paladin drop to C tier in m+ once again, and the idea is removing things like glimmer, nerfing beacons, now doesn’t make much sense anymore.

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This 100%. We’re actually the worst healer in raw throughput on spread fights, just take a look at mythic Ovi’nax. Herald of the Sun is hard carrying the spec.

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I brought these issues up in Beta so many times. Holy testing was propped up by Herald and they’re doing the same thing now they did in S2, week over week flat nerfs that just neuter the throughout of the spec into the ground rather address issues.

  • light of dawn is useless
  • beacon of virtue isn’t effective spread healing and is made even worse with its mana requirements in raid fights.
  • our mastery is so useless in the current design of wow.

The 11.0.5 class tree rework looks like general PVE dog water right now. Specially designed for PVP and Prot pal. Almost no value for Hpal or Ret.

  • Breaking dawn needs to be made baseline.
  • Tyr’s needs a rework/buff or replacement
  • DPS needs a hard look. Holy Shock doing 70-80k damage baseline is pretty bad. SotR should be changed or deleted so Hpals can actually use 2H that are on our drop table.