<Outlaw Assassins> 6/8H are recruiting skilled and dedicated raiders for our heroic raid team as we progress into mythic. We are looking for experienced raiders any class/spec/role (preference on rdps, frost death knight, warrior arms/fury and sub rogue) given that you are good at what you do. Raid days are Saturday and Sunday, invites go out at 8:15svt for a 8.30svt start.
What we are looking for in our raiders
Have a positive attitude
Show up for 85% of raids
Are prepared e.g. gems and enchants
Have raid awareness (do not stand in fire)
Willing to learn
Can take constructive criticism
Team player
Outlaw Assassins are a large (950+ toons) active and social guild. Socials are always welcome. Feel free to contact either H0sK0#1553, Morde#11215 ingame or on the forum
Bumpity bump bump.