[H] Organizing an 8.3 Horde Reroll Guild

Update! The guild has been officially created and the recruitment thread is available at: [H] <Homebrew> An 8.3 Horde Reroll Guild And Community

Thank you for all of the interest in the project and we VERY much hope you’ll join us on our adventure through the end of BFA and into Shadowlands

Let’s get the elephant in the room out of the way right off the bat; Battle For Azeroth is easily the most alt-unfriendly expansion that WoW has ever had. Between arduous rep grinds for rank-3 essences, RNG galore on corruptions, longitudinal expansion-long power creep in the form of Azerite power and now a legendary cloak upgrade system; BFA is a harrowing, frustrating and often-times disappointing alt experience. As such, most of us don’t really have any. For the same reasons 8.3 can feel pretty burdensome for returning players, too.

Did you leave for WoW Classic and you’re just coming back?

Did you burn out early into BFA and want to revisit it?

Do you want to prepare a character or two for the upcoming Shadowlands expansion?

Is your guild / friend’s list inactive and you’re struggling to find a community to progress your character with?

A timely, end-of-expansion reroll guild can fulfill all of those scenarios and with a cabal of like-minded and equally-“new” characters you could progress alongside without feeling like you’re hopelessly behind or a burden.

Reroll guilds are tough to organize though and easy to mismanage. I wouldn’t want to even put one on paper without sufficient interest from both prospective members and officers / organizers. How many of you might be interested in helping me put something like this together?

The end-goal would be a one-night-a-week raiding guild (Normal / Heroic) with a one-night-a-week Mythic+ key push and then a social night where we could do whatever, Assaults, Visions, PvP with organized professions, guild repairs etc. It would be prudent to allow boosts or character transfers up to 110 and have a “leveling” period to allow the level 1 fresh characters to get to 110.

Respond here in this thread or join this discord channel ( hjq4qXv ) that I’ll check periodically if you’re interested in putting something like this together with me.



Hey very interested in this, I came back to the game and really want to go Horde and get focused on moving forward into Shadowlands


Joined the discord.

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Thanks for the interest guys. We need a LOT more interest before we can start really building this thing, but every prospective member that joins the discord and joins the discussion gets us one step closer to starting this thing.

Keep 'em coming.

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Interested in this and joined discord


We’re off to a pretty good start. We have about 10 interested parties so far. If we can double that in the next week or so we can make this more official; make a guild and start recruiting in earnest.

To prospective members, we have about 8-9 months before Shadowlands releases. For new players, returning players or people that would like to prepare an alt for Shadowlands release this is a great opportunity for you to meet some active players, see BFA before it’s gone, and get ready for the next adventure. Same group ran a very successful reroll on the last patch of Legion that cleared all the way through Antorus, and was part of a reroll last patch of WoD that cleared through Hellfire Citadel.

Come have some fun!

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Bumpin like a womper womps

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Oh!!! I am interested in this. I will join discord here later today

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very interested. have alot of end game experience


Bumping. Every one join the discord and get in on the party!

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Good morning :smiley:

Monday evenin’ bumperino! We have well over a dozen founders currently and are polling deciding on realm and guild name. If you’d like to have your voice be heard as an early-adopter of the project swing on by the Discord!

Next update should have a realm name, guild name and some roster outlining.

I’m the great bumpbino

This sounds pretty snazzy! I’d be down for this

Now is a good time! We’re up to 20 members, have an active discord and have officially chosen a guild name, a realm and have created a guild.

Over the next 7-10 days we will be ramping up recruitment across numerous platforms and really kicking this thing into drive. This thread will become obsolete as we replace it with something more specific.

Get in on the ground level as a founder of this project :slight_smile: