=== <Open Source> ===
-9+ year old guild on Bloodscalp, with some original members
-We raid two nights a week, Tuesday and Wednesday, from 6pm-9pm Pacific
-Currently all roles are open for recruitment, top priority for raider status is being able to attend raids consistently
We have an active discord server and dungeon key community, also have a growing PvP group, being organized by a different officer currently. Although casual, we try to push as deep into raids each season, poking our heads into mythic a bit each time. We always get AOTC as a guild as well, and have done so for years.
If you aren’t sure if you can make raids consistently, don’t worry! We have a few players who can only make certain days or are missing regularly, we just give spots to the folks who attend each day first. Even then we can typically make room for anyone who is raid-ready and on when we start!
Can’t make raids at all? No problem, there are no real requirements to join the guild, only the raids. If you’re looking for some people to group with on keys, we have a range of skill levels in-guild who run them each week. We also have an open door policy, so long as you don’t make a stink when you leave, you are always welcome back!
Send myself or anyone else in <Open Source> a message in-game for more info, and if you can’t seem to get in contact with an officer in-game just send me a message via discord: TheDairy#4180
We’re 6/8H now, mainly looking for an off tank, a resto shaman, and some dps (mage/rogue pref). Expecting to be moving into mythic soon if we can get those recruits to round off our core raid group!