Good day to all!
Onslaught of Disorder is seeking some great raiders to join our ranks! Or, if there is a guild out there that would love to team up, we can definitely make that happen! We are a great, small core group of veteran raiders that love to progress more into some high-end content. We are low on people due to some real-life taking them away from us. We are still learning this new raid and making very small progress. If you are interested in talks, please feel free to add me and we can make it happen! We are open to all walks of life (tank/healer/dps) if you are curious. If you are just looking to raid, you can join us. You don’t hafta leave your guild.
My battle tag: Vevi#1798
Our current raiding schedule is:
Monday/Thursday @ 5pm - 7pm server
Also, if you are looking for a home, feel free to message me as well. We are a great lil’ fun-loving group.