[H] <Onslaught> 17/17, 3D-OS 1 night | Wed/Sun 8-11pm | Loot List | Recruiting

Onslaught Mankrik (17/17) is a semi-hardcore raiding guild looking for more raiders wanting to clear Wrath content quickly and efficiently. Most of the raiders are older more mature players that played during OG Wrath. We plan on doing achievement runs as quickly as possible while maintaining a casual atmosphere outside of raids. We do not plan on running splits or speed runs outside of raid times.

Raid Times:
Wednesday & Sunday 8pm-11pm server

Loot System:
Pick 20 loot list system using Thatsmybis and Gargul addon.

Raider Expectations:
-Be a team player. You raid with 24+ people, your performance affects them.
-Come prepared with consumables, gemmed, and enchanted.
-Have a thorough understanding of mechanics and your class within the raid.
-Be receptive to constructive feedback with all intentions of improving.
-Able to play off-spec of your class if needed. If we gear your offspec, you should be willing to play it if needed.
-Be receptive to being benched if needed, I’m usually the first to put myself on this list if we need to bench anyone but some nights I really want to raid.

Currently Recruiting:
High Priority:

Medium Priority:
Ret Paladin
Arms warrior

Low Priority:
All other classes/specs welcome to apply.

If interested in joining or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out:
-Wikkedjester#6783 (GM/Raid Lead)
-Sleven#6729 (Recruiter)
-Dbum#8664 (Officer)

Or fill out an application on our discord: discord.gg/ChHwgMeQmq

Still lookin.