<H> OneBigTV looking for new raiders

< OneBigTV > is a Streaming Community and Newly formed Raiding Guild on Emerald Dream. Our Current raiders have experience in all raids leading up to Shadowlands and we are ready to push Heroic and Mythic Difficulties.

Our Mission : OneBigTV has a mission to form up and make a mark in the raiding community in WoW. Raid Leaders cannot achieve this alone, we need members who are willing to put in the work and work together as a whole. EVERYONE will be held to a standard to respect one another and help one another push through the content as a guild/raid team.

Raid Schedule (tentative) : We will be Raiding on Wednesday & Saturday 9pm – 12am EST Possible Third day depending on raiders availability.

What we need from you : Any Players willing to put in the effort, Read up on mechs, Perfect their main Class for raids, We want raiders who do not expect a carry. We all will have homework to do as a group and we want to push mythic ASAP.

Classes we Need :
Tank : Low
Healer : Med
Melee DPS : High
Ranged DPS : Med

Message us on discord for any info or invite!