Omen, an established guild on Blackhand, is now recruiting for BoD progression.
An established AOTC guild across several tiers, Omen is refilling the ranks to continue to push on a light schedule.
About Us: An established heroic guild, Omen raids on a light schedule, and is flexible. Life happens and we know you cannot always make it. Our members come from all walks of life. Many members enjoy playing other games outside of WoW, and can be found in discord at nearly all times.
Omen is primarily a PVE guild, but do have some members that enjoy PVP as well.
Raid Times: Tue/Thur 9-11 est
Recruiting: MW monk, Resto Sham, exceptional dps
We try to maintain a tight raid group - and log reviews are part of that. Please have some logs prepped (even if only from LFR) to discuss with the guild officers when applying.
If you are interested, or have any questions, please contact us in game:
Ennkil - Raid Lead
Bobitt - Officer
Guyleduche - Guild Master