[H] <Old School> Community Focused Raiding Guild Recruiting Old School and New players for Wrath

[H] Wrath guild LFM Casual Community Raiding

Old School started May 6th as a Wrath re-role and is currently looking for more fun like-minded people to join us for Wrath. We are currently looking for others who want to play this game the old way. Transfers and re-rolls are welcome. I’d like to get a few fun people in discord for a few hours a week while we all enjoy killing monsters together as a group. Our main focus will be having fun. We still plan on clearing content but none of us have a desire to be server first or even 2nd. If you want to push old content as fast as you can, if you like GDK runs, or if you’re really into modern WOW this might be the wrong place. Looking to build a laid back relaxed MATURE but fun community for adults. I don’t care about the speed of our progression as long as we clear content and have fun doing it. Nothing can totally be back to the way it was 15 years ago but we are looking to create the closest you will get to a true classic community


Now!!! We have a ton of time till wrath so join in the fun now.

Not much choice right now. Most servers are dead. We’re rolled on Whitemane server.


All experience levels are welcome. Skill can be learned, gear can be added, but a community is built one member at a time. If you enjoy an old school style raiding system and like fun relaxed raid groups this is the right place for you. We are not looking for elitists. We just want people who know how to enjoy the game and have fun together.

What should I play/ what class does the guild need?:

I know from experience that no matter what we start with by the time we hit 80 we will gain and lose more than half so play what you like and we will deal with it when Wrath drops. We have a breakdown of all who filled out our application so far on the discord so you can see what we do have but only use that as a tool. I want everyone to play the class that they love to play. At this moment I will say we are short on healers.

What’s your endgame plan?:

Mostly raiding but we may do some PVP. Also, I’m a fan of the really epic group world PVP so hope to to be able to stir the pot a little depending on what Blizzard does with the servers . For our raids right now, we are planning a starting between 6:00pm and 7:00pm server start time. Also we have quite a few East Coasts for some strange reason. I believe we may have a second early raid starting with them.

Our current goal is to make leveling as fun and easy as possible with dungeon groups and questing groups as we go.

Who is Aeromus?:

Just some old wow player who is stupid enough to take on the responsibility of being a GM…again. I started back in old Vanilla as a huntard. I had my first guild dropped in my lap during a Kara run early in TBC 15 years ago. Built that guild to be 2nd on the server and was GM, raid leader, and main tank for 4 raids (one of every tanking class) by the time we hit Ice Crown. That was the peak of my addiction. I have no desire to return to that lifestyle. Classic has been a rollercoaster ride for me. I’m looking for this to be a fresh start with a fun group of people who enjoy being social and killing frosty monsters in Wrath. Save the drama for your momma.

How do I join?:


If your interest or have questions join our discord. I am on most days in the evening leveling alts so we have a guild bank full of bags for everyone to start off with. So many bags!!!

discord.gg/RrFwpYs47E place this before… https://

or hit me up on discord




Just want to add that the guild will be casual and a lot of fun. Join up and let’s level together as we get ready for Wrath!

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Sign me up! Been away too long, time for a fresh start.

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I am most definitely interested, been scouring the ends of the earth to find a guild this late in TBC. And this sounds like a perfect fit, a brief history about my time with wow. Was a hardcore player but became more casual over time. Played hardcore in Vanilla-MoP then It’s been on and off since then. Looking for a new place to call home and a group of fine gentleman to adventure with. Starting fresh and rising up together sounds like a great plan I am in.

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Sounds like you’ll fit in good. There are a few of us already after just a day of this post being up. I would imagine by the time we actually launch the guild we should have a pretty good sized group. A couple of us are leveling alts. I’m hoping my alt mage will be able to make everyone some decent bags by the day we launch the guild. Bags make all the diffrence while leveling :slight_smile:

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I am interested in this re-roll as well. I tried to join the discord, but I am seem to get an error. Could I maybe get another link for it please?


Remember to put “https://” in front. It won’t let me put the link complete

Reroll date is still a bit away but we have begun leveling alts. Please join early so we can all begin on the same day for the official reroll and get to know each other!

Not rolling our mains till May 6 so we can keep adding people and stay around the same level. Got a few people in discord. Come by if your interested.

A level one reroll as Horde for Wrath sounds like a fine time to me. It’s something I’ve never done before - Horde in TBC or WotLK. This old head is approaching five decades around the sun and would love to find a tribe he vibes with like I did in TBC/Wrath and again in Classic Vanilla. I’d also love to eat a lot of Gnomes along the way.

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LOL I love that you posted about Gnome eating from a Gnome account lol. You sound like you’d fit right in. Just make sure to bring a nice flagon of mead to wash down the Gnomes. Those small bones stick in your throat. Getting to be a decent group.

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Original post revised to explain more.

We have the guild charter turned in and are still looking for more people who want to Re-roll!

This seems fun.

We are less than a week away from beginning. Join the discord, say hi, and let’s build a community that we can call home!

4 more days till the reroll launches… Come join now. All are welcome. Healers in need but all classes and roles welcome .

DId I miss horde or alliance


10 char

Guild name: Old School

Old school gaming requires some old school music. Queue the Nine Inch Nails