[H] Old school main tank returning to tank Shadowland

Hi all,

Prot Paladin looking for a semi casual raiding guild. Preferable raiding weekends, but any day will work if hours match schedule.
I recently just returned to the game, and have been enjoying getting used to the systems, and checking out content I have missed.
I look forward to finding a new home, and tanking shadowlands.
Here is my past experience and past main characters, if you want to check
achievements or whatever:

Classic-Raided as Holy priest(Sacrificed-Deathwing)
Burning Crusade-Raided as Shadow priest
Wrath-Started as the shadow priest, ended up switching to my warrior tank(Warpanzer-Laughing Skull)
Cataclysm-Started as the warr tank, switched to prot pally kinda early in the expansion(Current main)
Stoped playing right before Pandaria, and returned late May this year.

Still looking for a new home. Server change would be no problem.

Greetings! Virtually Impossible is an established late night guild that has been raiding together for over three expansions now. We focus on an adult friendly, socially active attitude that raids twice a week with an emphasis on clearing AOTC and Casual/Hardcore Mythic progression every content. We pride ourselves on community and that aspect has given us great success!

Need to know:
Returning players welcome!
Casual/Hardcore raid environment focusing on Heroic & Mythic Progression.
Raid Days/Times:
Progression Raid - Tues & Wed 12-3am EST
Sunday Funday Alt Run - Sun 12-3am EST
Current progression: 12/12H, 4/12M
Raid Needs: 1 Tank & any exceptional DPS.

If this sounds like a potential match please reach out to one of our officers:
Aradne#11285(RealID) or Aradne#5473(Discord)
Geminai#1265(RealID) or Geminai#6458(Discord)
Senpaimage#1639(RealID) or Senpaimage#3668(Discord)

Hey there Masenko!

Guild Name: TreasureChest PartyQuest

Server: US-Thrall

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

Faction: Horde

Raid Times:

Sunday - TBD

Monday - TBD

Fun Facts:

  • Friends since Burning Crusade
  • Mixed skill level of players that enjoy playing together. So if you’re new to the games it’s ok!
  • We screw around a lot. If swearing or darker humor isn’t something you’re okay with, you probably won’t like us.
  • Recently moved to Thrall-Horde from Wyrmrest Accord-Horde. Look to add new faces for Shadowlands.
  • Is full of players who actually like each other
  • Stays light on time commitment but gets things done
    *Prioritizes a welcoming environment
  • Understands you have a life outside WoW
  • Is looking for like-minded players seeking a long-term home

Hello! Do you like Treasure? Do you like Parties? Well come and join TreasureChest PartyQuest . We are a friendly new guild looking for players on our way to into Shadowlands. If you are a new, returning player, or looking for a new home and your goal is to start fresh in Shadowlands we may be the guild for you! TreasureChest PartyQuest is a new guild on Thrall lead by a group of friends who’ve played since BC, we are looking for all classes to fill our roster in Shadowlands, in the mean time we will be active in Mythic+ while we build our community. We have people that just hit 120 today, we have people leveling alts trying to figure out what class they should main for SL. We have it all, and there is no pressure of raiding anytime soon though I am sure we will get some people into light raiding by late July/ early August.

Contact Info:

Blizzard App: Campbellsoup#1661

Discord: Campjo#3850

If you have any questions about joining, feel free to add me on either platform.

Thx for the reply,
I work early morning unfortunately.

Thx for the reply,
I look forward to talking with you.

1 Like

Were you in Aversion on Laughing Skull during Cataclysm?

look forward to hearing from you


Looking for the right group of people right now.

Check us out.

Yes! For afew months if memory serves.

1 Like

Yeah, we raided together. Maybe we can do that again if you are interested. My guild Sauce is looking for some new blood for now and Shadowlands. Check it out

You raid to late for me sadly. Good to hear from you again though.

Np, good luck in your search

Would be very interested having a chat contact me at Boomer94#11606

Hey there. I’m not sure if this is a necro or if you’re still looking. But here’s our copypasta, and you can let me know if you’re interested.

Supergroup One Shot is recruiting experienced players who want to play at a high level but on a relaxed schedule for Shadowlands. We were previously a two-night Cutting Edge guild for half of MoP, all of WoD, and the first tier of Legion, but many of our players now have additional life commitments (e.g., spouses, kids, new jobs) and aren’t interested in a Cutting Edge schedule. We’ve been playing more casually since then and have gotten back into raiding and M+ as a group in the last tier of BfA. We’re looking to continue into Shadowlands with a solid squad for one-night heroic raiding and M+ throughout the week.

What we can offer:

  • Raids on Sundays from 7 pm to 11 pm central. Expectations for each tier will be to spend the first 1-2 weeks clearing normal, the next 3-6 weeks clearing heroic (may include extending the lockout sometimes), and then farm heroic for 1-3 months until everyone is satisfied. We would then break until the next tier to let people enjoy time off and not get bored or burnt out. We may consider doing the first few mythic bosses (e.g., first 3 for weekly cache), but we won’t decide this until the tier has begun and we get a feel for our roster and the cost-benefit trade-off.
  • Mythic+ throughout the week. We have many players interested in gearing up via Mythic+, getting Keystone Master each season, and some interested in pushing higher-level keys (e.g., up to +20). Mythic+ is definitely encouraged, but you’re welcome to do as much or as little as you’d like.
  • A fun family of friendly players. Many of us have been together for over 5 years. We’ve been through weddings, new children, new jobs, and more together. We have a unique culture of respect, camaraderie, and lightheartedness that few other guilds can offer. We enjoy playing together both in WoW (e.g., dungeon meta achievements, occasional casual PvP, farming transmog) as well as in other games (e.g., Overwatch, Diablo, Destiny, Path of Exile) - though you’re free to join for the content you like and pass on that which you don’t.

What we expect from our members:

  • A positive and encouraging attitude. Our guild environment and culture is our most important asset. We expect everyone to treat one another with respect and kindness. Issues with other members should be handled in a mature manner. Raging and drama are non-issues here, and we intend to keep the guild that way.
  • High skill level in dungeons and raids. Our priority is to use whatever time we have as efficiently as possible. We expect all members to know their class, know fight mechanics, and play well. Grace is given for mistakes, especially when learning new fights. However, we’re looking for players who are sharp learners and who know how to continuously improve. Additionally, part of carrying your weight means being prepared for the content. We don’t expect endless grinding outside of raid. However, we expect all members to prioritize gearing themselves appropriately and progressing through whatever extra systems Shadowlands will feature (such as Heart of Azeroth, essences, legendary cape, and corruptions from BfA).

Add Morrell#5462 on Discord (preferred) or Kevin#13422 on Battle Net if you have any questions or want to talk about joining us. Hope to chat!

Yes I am still looking. I look forward to trying to talk with you tomorrow.