Old Dogz is two night (with an optional 3rd) raiding guild formed back in Legion. After a hiatus we are looking for more people to join us to smash some bosses, get AOTC and progress through mythic. 8:30pm to 11pm Bris time Thurs/Fri. Looking for people with at least AOTC experience. If interested please reach out. Need dps/heals. Cheers.
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# Old Dogz is recruiting for Vault of Incarnates. Old bunch of mates some of who have been playing since vanilla. We’ll be smashing heroic and doing some mythic. Looking for priest/mage/rogue. Raids are Thurs/Sun 9pm to 11:30pm server time. Lots of keys!
Now looking for Mage (and any other experienced ranged dps) who want to clear heroic and to get a taste of mythic. Prefer AOTC in the past couple of expacs. We are on khaz/dath/amanthul linked servers. Please hit me up barou#1311.