<Octagon Scheme> is an AOTC guild focused on casual progression (9/9H BOD, 8/8H 2/8M Uldir) and having a good laugh while clearing content. We are currently 8/8 H on EP and heading into Mythic!
We also frequently make pick-up groups of M+ for people looking to push keys or get their weekly, and play other games during content droughts.
We raid Friday and Saturday from 11pm-2am Server time (9pm-12am PST/12am-3am EST), as well as an optional drop-in/drop-out heroic raid on Tuesdays from 8pm Server onwards.
We are currently looking for DPS and healers for our core roster! We are also willing to take additional raiders who have a good attitude but may not be able to commit to raid every week. We accept any and all specs (and we mean it), but we’re really hurting for:
Holy Pally
Resto Shaman
UPDATE September 5: We’re back in the market for healers! Holy pally and resto shaman are the specs we’re hurting for the most, but all healer specs are encouraged to apply.
We do not require realm transfers to trial or for additional raiders, though Emerald Dream would surely love to have you! Please note that Eternal Palace hall of fame is still being filled, so we cannot currently support cross-realm Mythic raiders at this time.
We’ve been focused on fun first since our inception, which is why we’ve been raiding at a chill 6 hours a week and have fostered strategies around a “bring the player not the spec” mentality. That being said, we offer a competent group of silly, laid-back folk who focus up on progression pulls and share a single brain cell between them during everything else. We’re definitely not PG, but we’re definitely not going to be dicks to people either. We laugh off mistakes and we always push each other to get better.
If you like existential conversations during trash, sassy one-liners, the worst pun-filled breakouts into song, and ALSO like killing bosses, we want you to bring your favorite flavor of dumb bish juice to share with the class.
Add me, Nalaani (Runeax#1451) our Raid Leader Tizzidar (Tizzidar#1944) or our Guild Master Denira (Atix#1722) If you’d like to check us out!