Oaken Rebirth on Ysera/Durotan is Recruiting for Mythic Ny’alotha and beyond.
We are a friendly active guild, with a good M+ scene and many knowledgeable and helpful players.
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday & Wednesday 830pm-1130pm EST
Recent Past Progression: 4/12M Ny’alotha, 1/8M EP, 7/9M BoD, 5/8M Uldir
Recruitment Contacts: Discord: Zaratta#8070 BNet: bbqelf#1383
Requirements: Attitude>Skill>Gear We can farm gear and teach you how to play, Attitude is completely on you though. Looking for Team First Players.
Needs: Ranged DPS with a good Healing off-spec is most in need, but good players and good people are always encouraged to apply.