[H] <No Respect> 2 Nights + 3rd Progression night. 8-11PM Mon(opt), Tues, Thurs

No Respect spawned with 2 objectives. Killing Alliance. Raiding all of Classic’s endgame.

Most of us are seasoned mythic and hardcore raiders. Others are R1 Gladiators and multi-class Glads. We’ve taken a step down from the Hardcore 5 night progression raids, or the endless arena spam to enjoy Classic without the strain on IRL. Many have jobs and families to take care of, but a few nights a week (maybe every night) we log on to Azeroth and take care of our Horde family.

Raid times will be as follows:

Mon 8-11PM (Progression. Left Over bosses, learning boss mechanics. This will not happen every week.)
Tues 8-11PM
Thurs 8-11PM

Weekends - PvP

  • We have already been actively raiding Alliance towns/dungeons and giving [A] what they deserve.
  • BG’s (We anxiously await phase 2, and will be continuously PvPing Throughout classic.)
  • Gurubashi Arena (Farm grp already in progress. If this interests you, we got your back.)

All Classes are still desired. Special attention to Druids and Hunters.


  • Not sure about something? Ask! The guild is here to help you. We are willing to teach anyone so long as they are willing to learn. Our community is incredibly active and constantly pulling each other into farm groups, BiS runs, XP farm and more.
  • Classic is about teamwork. That means pulling your weight. Bring raid consumables and get familiar with Boss encounters. The rest will fall into place, we promise.
  • We will be using EP/GP so that everyone gets a fair shot at loot.
  • Some classes are expected to engage in multiple roles. If you are a DPS warrior, please bring a shield. We might ask you to tank an add for a bit. It won’t hurt.
  • Last but not least, no drama. Save it for the Alliance.

LF Resto Druids

LF Druids and Hunters!

We are a friendly guild, come join us and lets show Alliance what No Respect means.