[H] <Nine to Five> recruiting Healer, MDPS, Tank

Nine to Five is currently recruiting to fill out our raid team. We are a laid back group of folks that love playing the game, dabble in the lore, and love doing group play such as M+, Raiding, and Pvp as well as Xmog/Achievement hunting. As such, we are looking for laid back folks or individuals that want to be apart of the raid team, M+ groups or just relatively hang out. We are LGBT+ friendly, family oriented, pet friendly and understand life happens and are happy to accommodate when needed.

Raid Times are currently Tuesday (8-10pmEST) but in 9.1 will change to Tues/Wed (8-10pmEst).

Organized M+ will be hosted on either Friday or Monday Night (depending).

Morale Runs (Xmog/Achievement) are on Saturday nights.


We are in High Demand for a Tank - Prefer Blood DK or DH

Healers - Looking for Resto Druid/Shammy will take Priest/MW Monk or Holy Paladin

DPS - LF MDPS (any) and Looking to recruit a Boomy.

If you are interested in joining us or would like to know more please contact either Ayrrow or Nazamber (we love chatting :)).


  • bnet: felhell#11146
  • discord: sarah#3062
  • bnet: nazamber#1169
  • discord: nazamber#0260
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