[H] <Nightstalkers>

LF Ranged, Melee DPS, One tank, and a Hunter.

We raid: Wednesday, Thursday, Monday from 8pm to 11:30pm CST; Invites start going out at 7:45 pm

We require that you are able to make ALL of these raid nights. If you cannot, please do not apply.

About Nightstalkers

Currently 6/12 M

Nightstalkers has been a guild on Emerald Dream since 2006. We’ve been raiding consistently on ED since Karazhan with no plans to stop any time soon. We’re a casual raiding guild and we prioritize fun and the guild community over progression. We’re not going to compete in the top few hundred guilds, but it’s our goal to complete all mythic content before the next content is released.

What Kind of People Are We Looking For?

  • Over 18 - In our experience, we find that older folks have a better grasp of what they can commit to. Of course, if you feel you’re an exception, have a chat with us. We may be willing to make an exception on a case by case basis.
  • Intelligent - You MUST have at least a modicum of intelligence. Be able to fully understand each boss’ mechanics. Have at least a basic grasp on the math behind your chosen main to ensure you’re making smart choices.
  • Dedicated - We are looking for people that have the ability and desire to fully commit to a raid team. This includes keeping up at least 90% attendance, being willing to put that extra effort in at the beginning of tier to gear more quickly, researching fights ahead of raid time, etc.
  • Attitude-Free - This is non-negotiable. We are not an elitist guild. We don’t care for arrogance. If you can’t check your attitude at the door, please look elsewhere.

If interested contact:

Defenestrate#1146 / discord - Defenestrate#3618
Publius#11953 / discord is Publius#3980

Or go to: retail (dot) nightstalkers (dot) org to apply directly

Thank you for your time, have a great day. :smiley: ^.^

Still looking!

Well the tanking slot is definitively interesting, but I’m switching from prot warr to another. So not geared yet. My old guild died with launch classic ._.

Bumpies! ^.^

Still looking for DPS!!

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We are still looking for dps!

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Still looking :smiley:

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What a group of cool cats! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Bump. Still looking! :smiley:

Still looking?