Daybreak is a daytime raiding guild. We have built daytime raid communities in Classic Vanilla, TBC, Wrath, Cata, and SoD – and we are starting up daytime raids on the Anniversary realms.
We have a Saturday team that is actively raiding (recruitment is full atm), and we’re recruiting for a Weekday team to start raiding in February.
The goal of this group for weekday is to raid weekly, farming Naxx up until TBC launch. Our track record over the previous classic iterations builds security that time invested in will last through the latter phases of Vanilla.
We will utilize a SR loot system with Loot Council/HR for specific items (for example: Bindings, Eye of Sulfuras, BWL Trinkets, gearing out main tank). The SR format will permit us to easily fill in any raid gaps on a given week, while the HR allows us to make sure the big ticket items stay within the guild. No one likes being part of a guild and having that 1 PUG that fills a gap walk away with DFT.
Raid Schedule
-Fridays (starting in February, actively recruiting)
-Saturdays (actively raiding, recruitment full)
Recruitment Prios
-High: Warrior and Shaman
-Medium: Competent players of any class
If you are interested in learning more, join our discord, and get connected with a leader to learn more. If you are a decent human and a competent player, we’ll get you plugged-in!