[H] Nighthawk's Hideaway Is seeking more players!

Good day!

Nighthawk’s Hideaway is a group of former heroic raiders who have reformed for Dragonflight. Our goal is to create a casual, friendly, and mature raiding environment for new or veterans of WoW. We currently are looking for dps(spriest pref, and any dps with a healer off spec) but all specs are welcome! We also do fair amount of M+ and some casual pvp on the side. If you are new to the game and want to learn about raiding, don’t be shy, we’re happy to teach newer players the ropes so that you can enjoy higher end content.
Our raid times are 20:00-22:00(08:00-10:00 PM) CST Friday and Saturday. Even if you’re not looking to raid we’re happy to have you! Feel free to reach out to us through the guild finder in game, here, or you can reach our officer team in game below:
Daddywings (GM)

Have a great day!