We're still looking for relaxed, chill folks! We're currently pushing our way through heroic NH ( 7/7 (H) 3/3 (H) 6/10 (H) ). Just whisper someone in the guild!
We finished heroic! Now farming 'till Tomb! Still recruiting and looking for all folks who want a nice and supportive environment. Just whisper someone in the guild for an invite!
We're still looking for DPS in particular! Whisper an officer in-game or post here!
Bump again! Come join us in Tomb! Tuesdays and Wednesday nights, 7:30ish to 10pm server, calm, casual, and mature group! Whisper someone in game!
Hey all! We’ve cleared normal ToS and are going to stick on that for a week or so then start heroic.
Still looking for awesome folks to come raid and hang out!
Still looking for awesome folks to come raid and hang out!
4/9 heroic! Come join us on Tuesday and Wednesday, 7:40-10pm server! DPS or healers that are comfortable with DPS offspec are welcome to apply!
Also, anyone who just wants a cozy, friendly guild to level in, please message someone in the guild! We'd love for you to join even if you never plan on raiding!
Also, anyone who just wants a cozy, friendly guild to level in, please message someone in the guild! We'd love for you to join even if you never plan on raiding!
We’re recruiting for all roles and all abilities! Mostly need more DPS and a tank, but healers with offspecs feel free to message someone in game! We’re friendly, super supportive, and relaxed. Even if you don’t want to raid, whisper someone and they can invite you!
Bump! Still looking for DPS for raiding Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 to 10 server! And maybe a tank!
Hey are guys still looking for more?
Same question. Still LFM?
Sorry I'm late! Yes! Please whisper anyone in the guild for an invite (at least I think this is working now), and hang out till one of the officers chats you up. We raid Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 to 10 server.
Bump! Come one come all!
Happy New Year Bump.
We are currently 8/11 heroic Antorus, working towards obtaining raid-wide AOTC achievement. Our guild would welcome another primary role of tank, and another healer would be useful as we are expanding our team size.
Our guild is made up of excellent people, and we welcome any newcomer.
No drama, have fun, be cool.
We are currently 8/11 heroic Antorus, working towards obtaining raid-wide AOTC achievement. Our guild would welcome another primary role of tank, and another healer would be useful as we are expanding our team size.
Our guild is made up of excellent people, and we welcome any newcomer.
No drama, have fun, be cool.
Bump! We're 10/11 Heroic! Come join the fun!
As Legion winds down, we're not raiding so much. But you can still join and have fun! We're working through various dungeon and raid achieves during the normal raid time.
Bumpin' to say heyyyy!
Bump because I can!
10/11/2016 05:03 AMPosted by LukarSup, Mess.
Good to see you all active again. Best of luck in your recruiting, and have a free bump.
09/20/2018 06:07 PMPosted by Bitterhope10/11/2016 05:03 AMPosted by LukarSup, Mess.
Good to see you all active again. Best of luck in your recruiting, and have a free bump.
We should probably make a new thread. We'll get on that!
Bump for BFA!