Nefarious is looking for more members to round out our raid team and looking for like-minded people to join for NYA and Shadowlands. Our current needs are a tank and ranged dps.
We are a laid-back guild full of adult humor and currently seeking most classes and specs and one tank.
Our raid times are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 6pm to 9pm PST. We also push keys and arenas. If you’re interested in joining us, please contact one of the officers below!
For more information contact:
Maluminse - (Battletag) Malevicent#1456 - (Discord) Malevicent#2694
Foxpriest -(Battletag) Drednex#1266 - (Discord) Drednex#6633
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Bump for we’re 5/9H and Mal is being a lazy butt and not updating the OP
Among other things, we could use a REAL PRIEST (AKA Discipline Priest).
EDIT: Thank you mom
Bump for Rastakhan and also Mekkatorque are down. We kicked the latter’s shiny metal tukkus.
Bump for Stormwall and Jaina down, as well as Heroic Restless Cabal (even though Wowprogress doesn’t show the latter).
Note that we will NOT be doing official raids until Eternal Palace comes out. This is as good a time to join us as any, as you’ll be joining us for a fresh start in a raid tier.
Especially eyeballing tanks right now.
Bump for Eternal Palace info.
Bump for H Sivarra down, Blackwater and Radiance most likely coming soon.
Bump, since Mal apparently can’t. And also we killed H Court, so that’s cool too I guess
Bump, we are still looking for tanks.
I’m a 434 VDH. I’m just waiting for Malevicent to log into WoW. I’m not like the best tank, but I can tank sometimes. I’d rather MS Havoc. Less stressful.
Bump, we are still looking for tanks.
440 Blood DK looking for home. I do have several Dps at 440 as well. Ranged and rogue.
I’d love to speak with you further. I added you in game, but you can hit me up any time.
Free bump for Mythic Progression.
Necro for we’re 6/12H and 10/12N now, and also a tank is no longer an immediate need.
Bump for a tank and a mage!
461 ilvl Dps and tank LF a guild for Shadowlands content. Character name: Frakthegodz, Demon Hunter.