H <NAXX BUDDIES> Fri/Sat 9p-1am EST Rescruiting

NAXX BUDDIES is recruiting for WotLK Tier 7. We are an achievement-oriented group of raiders that are looking for a few new team members. We are not focused on how fast we can clear the raid but are more focused on completing everything in the fastest time possible. We are located on Faerlina realm on the Horde side. If you feel like this would be a good fit for you, or you have the same type of mindset, please apply!
Raid Times
Fri/Sat 9pm-1am server time

Loot System

Recruitment Needs
High Priority
Shadow Priest
Protection Paladin
Feral Druid (Tank/DPS)
Balance Druid
Restoration Shaman
Discipline Priest
Medium Priority
Blood Death Knight
Holy Paladin
Demonology Warlock
Elemental Shaman
Survival Hunter
Marksman Hunter
Retibution Paladin
Low Priority
Assassination Rogue
Holy Priest
Restoration Druid
Arcane Mage
Fire Mage
Contact Info
In-game: Angrydruid
Discord: Angrydruid#9020
Guild Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3qrZqbp-X_ESlWhOxQI-pkbJeNdYtPi7XISQq9E2ZYIqqzw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Still recruiting casters and healers mostly.