[H] <Naughty Secrets>

[H] | Multiple 10m, One-25m 17/17 | OS2D | | Progression Raiding | Loot Council |

About Us

We currently have two Weekday 10m, 1 Saturday Morning 10m, 1 weekend 25m raid teams; a weekday team (Tues/Thurs) and and a weekend team(Fri/Sat).

We take raiding seriously but realize that we all have lives outside of the game. We have limited raid hours so we strive to make the most of it. Progression is important to our members. We do our best to give every player an opportunity to Progress and get gear. We wont force or ride your back, But we expect you to follow raid rules, and enjoy your time raiding with us.

Raid Schedule

  • Weekday Team 10m (Tues/Thurs): 8PM ST - 11AM ST
  • Weekend Team 10m (Fri/Sat/Sun): 12PM ST - 3PM ST
    -Weekend Team 25m (Fri/Sat): 8PM ST - 11PM ST
  • Both teams run splits to maximize gear so expect to raid two nights a week if you have a second character

Raider Expectations

  • Show up to raid on time with appropriate consumables for the content being cleared that night.
  • Follow instructions when given a task by a raid lead.

-Food Provided by Guild

MS>OS (10M)
Loot Council Prio Tank>Healer>DPS (25m)


  • Weekday Team: Ranged DPS
  • Weekend Team: Fully Open

If anyone has questions do not hesitate to reach out.

DM: Discord Only.
Raidleaders: AwesomeIsMatt#1304 or afatpug#7827

  • Weekday Team: Lunatic#9126
  • Weekend Team: Mae#6970