[H] <Mythica> is recruiting! LGBT-friendly, casual, silly, rl-friendly, and super fun!

Greetings, Wonderful People!

[Wyrmrest Accord][Horde] is looking for more members for our guild! We are an active LGBTQ+ friendly guild of older folks dedicated to providing a fun, enjoyable, casual, and friendly home for all gamers! We are particularly looking for those interested in joining us for casual PvE and PvP content!

We are full of wonderful, somewhat mature (maybe?), and relaxed people, with many forming lasting friendships through the games we play together that continue into games outside of WoW!

We are new-player friendly and pride ourselves on being a teaching guild. We enjoy helping new and old players alike enjoy the game in every way possible, whether that means learning to raid or improving in a class they find enjoyable. also happens to be a great place to login in just to chat.

Interested? Have questions? Come chat with us on our Discord server, or reach out to one of the people listed in-game!


Use the in-game tool to apply, or PST/message us in Discord!

Happy Gaming! \o/


We’re still recruiting, and probably will be well into DF!

That said, we have every intention to remain a relatively small, as well as of course a friendly and mature guild – none of us have the time to manage a large guild anyway!

The core leadership also just returned to the game a bit ago after a year+ break, so we’re looking to hit DF fresh and do some leveling, dungeons, so on!!

If you have any questions or are interested in joining, hit us up in game or on discord!

Thanks and have fun!

Also we’re friendly, and not worried about whatever class you decide to main for content!

Happy expansion launch! We’re still looking for wonderful people to join us for all sorts of co-ordinated group content. Feel free to message us or apply in-game, or stop on by the discord!

Hi wonderful people! I hope you are enjoying the new expansion!
We have been amazed by how many awesome folks have decided to join us! Thank you \o/
At any rate, please feel free to join us if you adult hard regularly and enjoy playing with silly, friendly, and super wonderful people.
I am myself a graduate student and love being in an atmosphere where I can play when I have the time. We would love to have more folks like YOU!
hugs WrA!

I’m one of those new folks who decided to join them, and it has been a great guild to be a part of so far. If you’re looking for a place to call home and like what you’ve read so far, you should check us out.

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Hey, wonderful WrA folks! We are still rocking and would love to make more friends!
Starting tomorrow, it is M+ time. Join us for the hugs and pew pew!

Are you short anything specific role-wise?

Hello nice people! We are still looking for more folks just like you!
We have two raid groups running:
Saturday at 6 PST and
Tuesday/Monday at 4 PST.
Also, nightly M+, weekly activities, movie nights, and PvP!
PST an officer or apply in game!

You couldn’t ask for a better group of folks to run with!

Hello! I am recently coming back from and long hiatus and looking to start somewhere new and reroll and relearn how to play. LGBT here and looking for an open and casual guide. Are you guys still recruiting casual players?