Hey there, thanks for taking the time to read my post. I just got back to retail wow after taking a break in classic wow. I have a dh, dk, lock, rogue, warrior, shaman and a hunter all lvl 60 180+ Ilvl with my rogue being 206 and dk 196. Willing to play any of those characters. To be honest I am still trying to find a main for this expansion.
I’m looking for a guild I could do AotC with and some m+ runs, maybe some pvp. Mythic raiding is kinda too much. Just want to have some fun with relaxed people, help out with anything I can and over all have a good time! Thanks again for Your time and I hope to chat with You some more!!
Hello, we’re a pretty casual guild however, we are aiming for AOTC (we raid tonight) and would love to have you. M+ runs we will be doing as well currently sitting at 3/10 H CN if you’re interested in us please add:
Zensway#4316 (discord)
Zensway#1972 (Bnet)
Raid times are Fri/Sat 11pm EST.
If alliance is something you’d consider for the right fit add me On disc! Letholas#9581!
Hey! Narrischkeit (Horde Stonemaul) is a Semi - casual guild, we aim for AOTC every tier. We just downed Sire recently and are working on recruiting for a core group for next tier. We run mythic+ pretty regularly and also will occasionally work on achievements or collection things together. I am the guild leader, if you are interested or have more questions you can reach me at Amphoria#9648 on Discord.
Senseless Violence (Horde - Zul’jin) is a newly formed guild looking to do Mythic +'s and AOTC driven raiding. Raid lead is 10/10 Heroic Castle Nathria. Raid times are Tues. & Wed. 8pm - 10:00pm Est. Currently looking for heals, melee & ranged Dps. Causal players are also welcomed.
If you have any questions about the guild you can PM Stonesister or use Bnet ID (raregeneralk#1679).
Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
Hello Barllog,
Dusk Eternal are looking for more dps and healers for our raiding core. We have had our AotC since March and plan on pushing into Heroic early on in 9.1! We are a fun and relaxed bunch of raiders that also get bosses down to 0% (most of the time lol)
We want to dip our toes into mythic raiding once our numbers grow, but thats a bonus after the AotC is gained each tier.
reach out to me via discord if you want to know more. ill leave our recruitment post below that has the more boring details.
Hey there!
I represent a very small guild that is slowly rebuilding after years of neglect.
We are working toward getting our small group going again, and could use a player like you who seems to have some of the same endgame ideals as we do.
Here is our recruiting thread.
If you find this interesting, I will be available in BNet, and Discord all day!
Hey Barllog!
If you are still looking for a guild I too might be able to help. (H) Area 52 - we are a newly formed guild with members who have AOTC and KSM this season. We are raiding again with our members to get everyone AOTC. We are a guild that values RL commitments come first and believe our members are family and not just another number. We raid Wednesday and Thursday 9pm-11pm Est. and run lots of keys the rest of the time. We have members who enjoy pvp as well.
Let me know if this might work for you too!
Bnet: Bluejay#1886
Hey there Barllog, If you are still possibly looking for a new place to call home I would love to chat with you and see if Chaos Manifesto might be a good fit for you. Please feel free to add my btag: Kitsune#1784 or Discord: Sinafay#3443. Look forward to possibly hearing from you. =)
Hi there Barllog!
Check out Murloc Madness! We are a casual heroic only guild that aims for AOTC every tier while maintaining a relaxed, fun and positive atmosphere. We have been successful in achieving our goals since Legion. Hope to hear from you and best of luck in your search!
<Murloc Madness>
About Us: <Murloc Madness> is a casual heroic weekend raiding guild located on Area 52. When we’re not raiding, our members are hanging out in Discord playing various games together or just chatting.
Raid Schedule: Friday 10pm-1am EST & Saturday 10pm-1am EST
Progression: 10/10H CN | All BfA & Legion AOTC
More Info: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/area-52/Murloc+Madness
Website: Apply at https://murlocmadness.enjin.com/
Officer: Aszuna (Discord: Aszuna#8963)
Spread the Madness!