Hi there, I know you prefer to stay Horde, but if you were interested in possibly coming to the Alliance, we are on the best server for Alliance raiding.
Guild & Server: ILLICIT- Proudmoore-US:Alliance:
Raid Times/Days:
<Team Apollo> [CE Team] Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday; 6 pm to 9 pm PST (will go down to a 2-day raid sched as needed)
<Team Hades> [Casual Mythic progression] Tues/Thurs 6-9PM PST
<Team Venom> [AOTC Only] Thur/Sunday 6-8:30PM PST
Current Progression:
<Team Apollo> Went 9/12M with our last wipe on Ily at 3% (I wiped the raid
) - we were forced to relieve our RL of their duties due to performance and decieded to go on a earlier hiatus (4 months ago), then drag through re-progression
<Team Hades> went 9/12 M at the end of their season.
<Team Venom> Achieved AOTC, and was able to go back and clear Mythic BODA and get all the raiders from all the teams that wanted too participate their Mythic Jaina Mounts.
Recruitment Contacts: (BTag) QuickESQ#1651, (Discord) Quick0321#0594 ; (BTag) RyRy#11575 (Discord) Ryme#1962 ; (BTag) Mook#11893, *(Discord) *Mookaladouche#6580
Requirements: For DPS: Please have logs that display your ability to play your class at a CE level. For Healers: we require that Healers have either a DPS offspec or a DPS character that can pull approriate numbers if we need to reduce healer number per fight. We expect maturity, respect, and common sense approach to raid, raid comp, attendance.
<Team Apollo>
- All capable DPS
- 1 Healer (Prefer H.Pal) - No Priest
- HIGHLY interested in hybrid/switch hitter players to help group comp.
<Team Hades>
<Team Venom>
Looking for Tanks, and a Raid Leader to take over.