As noted Multi-CE Rogue LF Sat-Sun Raid Guild
My work schedule is a typical M-F so I prefer to raid on weekends. Also I am in Hawaii so the time difference makes it rough to make the typical raid start times during the week.
Current Guild not raiding 9.1
10/10 CE CN, CE every tier of BFA
Rogue (w/e spec works for needs to kill)
Disc contact pref: Cerv#1962
Hello there Cerve! We are a weekend group looking for players for our 9.1 team. I’m reaching out regarding our 9/10M 7-10pm EST Sat/Sun team. Here’s our information below, please let me know if we sound like a good fit!
[H] 9/10M 6hr Sat/Sun Pandamonium-Mal’ganis for 9.1 - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (
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Thank you going to take a little time to look around your schedule is AWESOME and GL with CE
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