[H] Moving to ED?

Coming from MG horde, yeah the RP is good but when it comes to PvE and PvP most are kinda braindead on MG. How is the PvP, PvE and RP community here on ED?


RP-Small compared to MG, WrA
PVP-Ruthless compared to MG, WrA
PVE-It should be easy to find a progression guild here GL!

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Rp’ers will accuse you of harassment if you do any walk-up that doesn’t involve finger painting or flower picking and pvpers will make a highlight reel of every time you died on twitter. Text based combat is most important around these parts. What is your twitter pvp rating?

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I like RP here and there, I would much rather have a guild that has a bigger focus on PvE and PvP with some minor RP. On MG it was the opposite, heavy rp, dont really know how to pvp or pve decently.

On Alliance side there is Salty Sea Doggos, Ashen Vale, Lionguard, and Kill Order that fit your description.

On Horde, not many RP but they have a big pve and pvp presence. Syndicate. Ironsworn Regiment, Terran Empire and Division 7 come to mind.


So you would say that ED still has a good handful of options for casual raiding Jim? That’s what I’m looking for too, once I commit to a main class/faction for this round.

For sure bro, Salty Sea Doggos and Ashen Vale are doing their thing Alliance side!

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