[H] <Mortal Wombats> Old Guild recruiting for 9.2 (Khaz/Dath/Aman)

Mortal Wombats are still alive!!

We are recruiting for our 9.2 raid team. And always accepting casual members interested in M+, PvP, achievements, etc.

Mortal Wombats is one of the oldest guilds on the server! Consistently achieving AotC. We are a mixed bunch of personalities with an average age easily exceeding 30! We are all adults here, and try our best to have fun whilst achieving our goals.

Looking for:
Full time healer, Priest or Paladin preferred.
Any dps, preferring DK, Rogue, Mage, Priest, Warlock, Boomy.
Those with tank and/or heal off-specs are encouraged!
Will accept main tank with really good attendance.

We raid 8:30-10:30 Wed/Thurs.

Many of us are also looking to push some M+ this tier, so always keen to include similar minded folks to join in the shenanigans.

Hit us up if we seem interesting and fit your criteria

We have a panda monk and a bear tank. We’re BEARY best friends.

Horrible puns aside, the guild has a great atmosphere and is a lot of fun to be in. :slight_smile:

Also people who forget to post on the right toons. Im just a tank, they don’t pay me to think. :wink:

Come and raid with the Mortal Wombats, an easy going, mature guild that has got AoTC regularly.

Looking for H Pally, and/or a Priest, all other classes welcome.

Currently 3/11 N after a slow start.
Still recruiting ranged dps for raid, might accept tanks, melee, or healers too.
Always need more friends to push keys with.

Recruiting mainly ranged dps.

7/11 this week. Finally getting some tier drops all round. Some super clean kills too!
Ironically feeling really short on melee dps. Can always make room for all kinds of players.
Come check us out :wink:

Making decent progress on Anduin!
Still recruiting to bolster our numbers. Pretty much all dps, backup tanks and healers VERY welcome.
Come be a part of a fun and chill group that will eventually get there :wink:

Come have some raiding fun with the Mortal Wombats.

A relaxed group of mature players who raid, kill bosses, laugh and die. Sometimes not in that order :joy:

Hit us up if this sounds like you.

My god, what a great transition right through P2, T2, into P3!! This team is popping off even with so many unexpected absences!

Keen to recruit a few more dps, pretty much anything at this point to bolster our numbers.

Get amongst it! Great bunch of peeps, bants and fun even during raid, we get it done :wink:

Well after a crispy Andy kill, we wanted to continue Normal prog. However, lockouts proved to be strangely annoying. So, we decided to punch them all over again on Heroic!
Currently 3/11H VERY close to downing Pantheon!

Still recruiting, mainly any dps and those with tank off specs, but never turning down new friends.

Come join a great bunch of ‘mature’ (lol) folks for good times :wink: