Back after some time off in Classic? Looking for a home in TBC? Feeling nostalgic of the days you trounced Kara, SSC, TK, and more? Take a look into Moo Tang Clan on Atiesh (formally of Pagle). We are a core group of members who have been running together since Classic launched. We are looking to continue our good times into TBC!!
- Sunday: 5pm - 8pm PST.
- Wednesday: 5pm - 8pm PST.
- Friday: 5pm - 8pm PST.
We are currently utilizing a DKP loot system, however we are looking into other options in TBC.
Our current needs:
Healers: Priest, Paladin, Shaman, Druid.
Ranged DPS: All classes considered
Melee DPS: All classes considered
MTC is dedicated to forming and fielding the best raid group we can. We are looking for a diverse group of classes to help push us through the content.
What you can expect from our leadership is a knowledgeable team of raid leads pulling on past experiences in TBC. We are drama and toxic players free. MTC isn’t a group that is interested in pulling speed runs, or competing for server firsts. However we are committed to progressing through the content at a consistent pace with like minded individuals.
If you’re looking for a laid back, casual, fun loving group of players that enjoys having a good time, but will be pushing content at a steady pace, MTC may be for you.
If you’ve returned to the game and are looking for that fun group to get you through TBC leveling and raid content, look no further. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Btag: Samgar76#1493
Discord: Crucious#7481
Discord: https://