[H] <Moist Revelations> Chill AOTC Raid, TUE/WED 7-10PM EST, LF dps and healers

Moist Revelations have started to reveal their moistness to the public! We’re a laid back raiding guild aiming to get AOTC and run keys and arenas on the side. 10/10 N, 3/10 H, TUE/WED 7-10pm EST raid time, looking especially for locks, DH, warriors, and healers, but all classes welcome.

We’re a group of players that all have the mentality that real life always comes first, and as such not being able to make raid due to RL conflicts is no harm, no foul.

Newer players welcome as well, the only requirement is to learn, get better, and be chill.

Whisper anyone online or me at Greavance #1537 for more info or an invite.