As the title says I’m looking for a guild that is doing heroic and has plans to do at least the first parts of Mythic Vaults. It would be cool to finally get that achievement. I have gotten close to it twice. I have a history of raiding Mythic and Heroic (when it was hard mode). I have played WoW on and off since vanilla and have played hunter most of my WoW career. I have all raid relevant addon’s installed. I also read up boss strats and look up information related to my class. Currently ilv 380 and constantly going up.
I’m looking for a 2 or 3 day raid guild. I prefer horde. Your raiding hours should not be an issue as my work hours are odd. I will have good attendance. I’m a chill person and drama free. If you are interested please contact me at Shihtzufan#1409 or leave a reply to this post. Thanks for checking out my post!