[H]<Miscreants> LFM to Fill All Roles

MMM Cookies… ISO a Warlock to make this happen!

Looking for a guild to call home, progress in content while in the company of a fun group of friends?
Miscreants Arygos-Llane is a small knit group building our ranks for 8.2. We understand that real-life comes before raid life,we come home to our WoW family to unwind, not a second job. As a guild, we enjoy M+ keys, Raiding, and a little PVP on the side. Our goal is to build a solid core team to push into 8.2 content while still maintaining an organized but fun atmosphere. All classes welcome.

Server: US-Arygos/Llane
Schedule: Fri & Sat 7-10pm Eastern (Server)

Melee: All (prefer: Monk, Warrior, Paladin)
Ranged: All (prefer: Warlock, Mage, Priest)
Healers: All (Hybrids & Backups Most Welcome)
Tanks: All (Hybrids & Backups Most Welcome)

Discord ID: planeswalker94#8509

1/8 down on normal, need some more to add to our core team.

2/8 normal, yay our new disc priest.

5/8N LFM - WTB Wisdom! Pallys FTW

7/8 normal, LF tanks and dps to move into heroic soon

I’m a healy monk looking to start with mythic and raiding progression. Can’t do Fridays, but I could make Saturdays. Any room for this poor soul?

Miscreants Has pretty much merged with Kings of Chaos on Arygos - Llane. If you are interested in joining us there, send me a msg. My Discord ID: planeswalker94#8509 I can get you an invite. We raid Tue/Thu 730-10 and an optional alt raid Sundays. We are 8/8H.

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.