[H] <Merely a Setback> BFA sales

Hello Barthilas. Progression is over and MASB is back once again to offer carry services for the WoW community.

Link to Thaurissan thread - <MASB> Shadowlands SOD (Sylvanas Windrunner Mount, M+, Raids) Sales

Who are we?

Hello and welcome to (Merely a Setback). We are a guild of friends who have been running and selling challenge modes (M+) carries since MoP. We are a very experienced group of players who are ready to help you get your achievements, mounts and loots.

We are now offering various PVE carries for in-game gold. All sales will comply with blizzard TOS and all communications will be done strictly in game or through Battlenet. Prices will be listed below.

Ny’alotha, The Waking City

Heroic AOTC (N’Zoth Only) + Uncorrupted Voidwing Mount - 130k
Heroic Full Clear + AOTC with multiple funnelers - 500k
Mythic Ny’alotha mount|bosses|gear price to be determined by contacting us.

Horrific Visions

3/4/5 mask carries - 5mask carry is 150k off realm and 100k on Thaurissan/Dreadmaul
Contact - Starlette#11914 for those specifically


Done by M+15 Realm First players.
M+15 - 150k
In addition to weekly chest loot, we will handout tradeable loots to you from the dungeon run itself.

Battle of Dazar’alor

Mythic Jaina Mount - 1M


Part of the payment (20%) is paid as reservation deposit when we setup the date to ensure that both parties are committed to the run. The remaining payment will be made before the start of your run on the day itself. This deposit becomes non-refundable 2 weeks before your run is scheduled. If you need to cancel before that you may do so with a full refund, but please understand that we need to have some protection against last-minute cancellations where we are not given enough time to find a new buyer.
We accept gold off server, but please bear in mind that we will have to increase the price of the service you are purchasing, as we require the extra gold to purchase WoW Tokens to transfer the gold back to our home server (Thaurissan & Dreadmaul).

We accept ONLY in-game Currency and by scheduling a carry run with us, you agree to follow Blizzards Terms of Use and EULA.


Mythic/Heroic raids will be on Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday/Monday
GMT+8: 20:30-00:00
GMT+10 (Oceanic Server time): 22:30-02:00
GMT+11 (with DST): 23:30-03:100:


Spots are on a first come first serve basis. As we are fully booked for certain services, Please reserve your spot early.

In the unlikely event that we need to cancel your run, a full refund of your deposit will made to you or you may choose to reschedule your run to a later date, which will be discounted by 10% to offer our apologies.


Please be on time at our scheduled timing to prevent delays, if, for any reason you can’t attend on the scheduled time, please inform the person in-charge ahead of time so that we may attend to other customers while we re-schedule your run. You are not required to do boss mechanics and may be asked to tag the boss and die if a mechanic could cause a wipe within the raid.


We accept ONLY in-game gold and all forms of communications will ONLY be done in game or though Battlenet, any other forms of request will not be entertained and will be ignored. If at anytime we suspect that you are engaging in activities not supported by Blizzard’s ToU and EULA associated with the carry service, the run will be voided and a full refund will be made.

All prices are subject to change without prior notice


If you are interested in purchasing from us or have any further questions please do not hesitate to add me on Battletag:

Excuse me, is this for Horde only? What about Alliance player?