H- <Men in Tights>

Men in Tights is a semi-hardcore Horde guild with a relaxed atmosphere recruiting for 25 man Ulduar Progression into heroic Mym and beyond!! We are currently 12/13 normal with freya/thorim/Flame Leviathan hard modes on farm, we are looking for experienced Pallys/Shamans/Mages and Warlocks able to make raids consistantly and perform well on a consistant basis. We raid Tuesday/Wednesday from 10pm-1am eastern time. Please inquire below or in game via mail to Grandpagreen from the inquiring character with your spec/experience/availability and any alts or secondary specs also available to raid. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and look forward to hearing from you soon!

XT is on farm now as well. Come join! Every new member receives a nice new set of Black Tights.

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