(H) Marvel Recruiting for PVE content!

Do you want to raid but you can’t get into a group because you don’t play the most meta class or have the best gear? Do you want to push m+ but can’t get into a group because your Raider IO score isn’t sufficient?

Marvel may be the guild for you, we’re currently looking for raiders to join us in our fun, laid back environment. We plan to push into heroic and mythic raiding while still having a good time doing it.

We want to push high keys in an environment where we can play and have fun together. PvP is secondary but most of our members engage in BGs, Arenas, and RBGs. Currently, our raid days are Thursday & Friday 7pm PST, and Sunday 6pm PST.

Add us on Battle net

We look forward to talking to you all in game!

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Bump this post up

We are still recruiting for our Heroic Castle Nathria progression! Any roles welcome! Mostly need a few dps, possibly a healer and a tank! We’re trying to push our lower mythic+ runs into higher keys. We’re very casual and welcoming - everyone in guild is very helpful!

Add the following GM/officers on battle.net for any questions!
