Where da pallys at
Please come play the video game with us
Looking for some heals, we wont let you die dont worry <3
Hi Hello, we are still recruiting to fill out our roster. Please come save me from Winter =)
Need a couple heals to get our 3rd Kara group going next week!
Bump for progression. T4 Cleared!
Still need some lock, spriest, ret pally and ele shaman homeboys
Still looking for a lock, spriest and ret pally
Hey. Resto Druid and Mage. Hubby wifey team looking for a raid guild. Any need of druid and mage? We’ve raided since vanilla
Unfortunately we would have a hard time accommodating these roles atm but you are more than welcome to join up as reserves for the time being
In need of a Ret Pally and Spriest for T5 and beyond!
to the top, still looking for more heading into phase 2
Free gorehowl for new sign ups!
Hey gamers want to do gamer things
In need of a holy priest? I have all T4 content cleared, and all vanilla classic content cleared.