We are currently recruiting the following for Ulduar.
-Ret Pally
-DPS Shaman
In P1 we were 17/17 +3D with both main raid team and alt/pug raid teams for 25- and 10-man content.
Infliction Mission Statement
-We are a TEAM FIRST, performance-based guild with a focus on personal accountability and raid understanding. Our goal is to complete all Meta achievements and ICC Heroic as a Execution focused guild. Warcraft Logs Execution parses are calculated from avoiding unnecessary raid damage and deaths, our view of execution is expanded to also include personal understanding of class/role mechanics while still performing at an acceptable level for our gear/comp.
The Leadership
-Everyone who is part of the raid team, not just officers/leads will have a voice in how the guild will run. Everyone’s input is valid, and everyone on the team will be looked at to reviewing logs and performance, creating strategies or even recommending a change in behavior to help continue to build a stronger team.
Our Experience
-After raiding through Classic from MC to Sunwell, a group of us decided to start a fresh guild for WOLTK. We have lots of experience already but could use yours. Our experience in OG Wrath includes all realm firsts and top 50ish US rankings from back then.
Raid Times
-Tuesday/Wednesday 8-11 server for Progression
-Wed 8-11 server for Alts/Pugs once progression is over
Check out our Discord for more information - discord.gg/Vwxe6d8hRG