[H - Mankrik] <Gnome Punting Brigade> | Semi-Hardcore guild recruiting Heals and DPS | Tues/Wed 8-12 EST

[H - Mankrik] Gnome Punting Brigade is a casual guild focused primarily on the PVE side of the game. We are all working professionals that expect to clear current content at a decent pace without being too sweaty while doing it. You are expected to know how to play your class and have some knowledge of the current progression tier. Currently we are 11/11 Kara, 3/3 Gruul’s and Mag.

Raid Times: Tuesday/Wednesday 8-12 Server if needed.

Current Recruiting needs is Heals and DPS for immediate 25 man spots

Loot Type:
SR MS>OS with prio to healers and tanks

If interested please DM Astan #1826 on Discord or add me in game Astan for more info