(H) Mankrik <Antinaxxers> semi-hardcore raiding guild

NA - Mankrik Horde - We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild with 4+ years of experience playing on wrath private servers, along with being Cutting Edge raiders in retail. Some members have experience pushing for realm first achievements on Warmane. We raid Wednesdays and Sundays from 2000-2300 EST. We’ll ultize Wednesdays for 10 man raiding until Ulduar, during progression of a new tier we’ll focus 25man Hard modes on Wednesday and Sunday until on farm, Friday will be optional for 10man during progression. Loot system is BiS > MS > OS, BiS will be loot counciled to benefit the raid the most. Our current recruitment needs are a holy paladin, disc priest, ret paladin, and potentially an afflic warlock. If interested reach out via discord either I Am Tsukii#0001 , Rollonso#8479