[H] Mankirk <Curmudgeon> Recruiting raiders for Wrath Mon/Tues 9-12 EST

Monday/Tuesdays 9-12 pm EST.

Current Recruitment Priority -

If your class is low or no priority don’t be afraid to apply anyways, exceptions will be made for people who are a great fit with us!

High Priority: Ele Shaman

Mid Priority: Boomkin, Warrior,Rogue

Low Priority: Shadow Priest

No Priority: Tanks, Enh Shaman, Warlock, Hunter, Healing Priests, Mage, Paladins, DKs

New to classic? No problem! if you have a willingness to learn and take advice you’ll fit in here!

We are currently not requiring any Logs in order to apply as we understand that many people skipped much of TBC or are just coming back for Wrath. We will require a Discord interview to ensure a baseline of game knowledge and more importantly, a personality fit with our group.

Curmudgeon is a progression focused guild looking to recruit very specific types of players to join our long term friend group with the goal of building a great foundation that will last beyond WoW. Our goal as a guild will be to create a group of self sustaining raiders capable of clearing all content while it is current, finish raid achievements for titles and mounts, and doing it as efficiently as possible.

We are a group that has been playing WoW on and off since vanilla and have achieved success throughout the life of the game. Much of our core has achieved kills in top 50 world guilds, Gladiator & Hero of the Horde titles, Every realm first raid title in the original Wrath, and CE from many of the most recent retail raid tiers.

Our raid environment can be pretty serious as we like to put our game face on come raid time. We set a fast pull pace so each raider is expected to come prepared and knowledgeable about your class and the encounters.

Most of us play more than just WoW and that will greatly benefit you for our group. We often have Movie nights, play a ton of League, POE, Halo, Tarkov ect.

If you want to learn more please message Rip, Winterfresh, or Myself @

Riprash#3894 On Discord

Winterfresh#1692 On Battle.net
Winterfresh#7106 On Discord
Reapafied#1605 on Battle.net
Reapafied#8935 on Discord

Beginning our push to fill rolls for Wrath, Note that we are not doing any TBC activities currently.

Looking for a shadowy shadow priest

You hear about the guy with the 310 speed mount? He was in Curmudgeon

Voidzones are just parsing opportunities for healers. Change my mind

We named him Dranosh…

It means “Heart of Draenor” in Orcish.

Pre-patch soon!

Wrath of the Shadow Priests

Still have a handful of DPS slots available. If you are a Shadow Priest Winterfresh will have your babies.

Still looking for a Holy Paladin and a handful of dps!

We are also happy to accept people who are new to classic! If you are willing to take time to learn your class we want you!

Hey I sent Reapafied a friend inv on disc. Are you guys still looking for spriest?

Are you guys still looking for a holy paladin? I did not play TBC but will be joining classic wrath (my most favourite expansion).

Still have a couple spots available. Shamans come on down!

Hey man, i got a guildie on live that is joining ya’ll, a shaman named Fltr. I play a mage and am currently looking for a wrath raid guild as well. #maxturbo11774 bnet

Still have a couple of spots open for people looking to play through all of Wrath!

Raids will be open soon! looking to shore up some more spots!