[H] [Mal'ganis] unholy DK/Hunter LF guild for raiding in SL Aotc/CE focused

I’m a recent returner, started the game in legion and played all the way until BFA, left a month into bfa after clearing most of heroic uldir and having the guild I was in disband due to officer drama.

Just looking overall for a chill guild to get things done, I perform as best as I can and always look on things I can do to improve.

Looking to play Unholy DK / BM or MM hunter(still unsure on which spec)

My schedule is very open but I’d prefer : 2-3 days a week minimum and up to 4 maximum / can start raiding as early as 8pm EST and end as late as 2AM EST / Any days of the week will work for me but preferably not weekends.

feel free to shoot a MSG to me over on discord, easier to contact me that way : Koeda Kazuki#5116


if you change your mind about weekends i would love too chat,
we raid Fri / Sat 8-11 EST
If not i understand and good luck.

Actavius#1307 is my Bnet