[H] [Mal`Ganis] <Tribal> - Heroic AOTC Raiding & Seasonal Mythic+ [8:00-11:00 PST]

Looking to find a home before TWW? Come check us out! We’re always looking for more casual world of warcraft enjoyers, AOTC minded core-raiders, and WoW Remix Returners to join in the fun!

Great group! Always recruiting. Currently looking for another healer or two (Druid, Monk, Pally, Evoker) and one more tank for TWW. Always looking to add rad dps to the ranks! Come check us out!

Need a group for TWW? Check us out! Feel free to contact me with any questions!

Looking for more nightly M+ enjoyers!

Fun group. Come raid with us!

Still actively hunting DPS Players, and a couple healers for AOTC raiding in TWW. M+ Enjoyers, casual raiders, and more casual social players are ALWAYS welcome to kick it with us!

Early morning buuuuumps.

What roles or classes are you all looking for?

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Hey there!

We’re pretty wide open at the moment. Generally speaking we definitely operate under a take the player not the class mentality and will usually welcome a great fit player even if its a class/spec duplicate.

Right now we are looking for:

  • 2ish Additional Healers (MWM, HPal, RDruid, PrezE, or Priest) Healers who can functionally play DPS offspecs are always highly valued additions.
  • Were always looking for additional DPS to add to the roster. In specific need of: SPriest, Ele/ENH Shaman, Warlock, Boomkin/Feral, Aug/Dev.

Always feel free to contact me though any of the below methods if you would like to have a longer conversation with faster responses :wink:

Tribal Discord: discord.gg/EZTqKP3d58


  • Discord: Nyborg7782
  • BNet: Nyborg#1483

We’re looking for people just like you! That weird dude above me is accurate though.

I like the times that you guys run. how many M+ do you guys do in the week

All depends. I always do my 8-8’s at a minimum, quite a few others in the same boat. I’m personally closing in on 100 timed 5-9’s and just starting to finishing of portals and start pushing into 12+ on this shaman. Just started a Monday Night M+ Mayhem event to give folks a specific time to get on and count on some keys. I usually run something nightly.

Always looking for more avid key enjoyers. 5-Man groups are what makes starting to push fun :wink:

Stoked to see the new faces that have been coming on board! Come check us out, we’d love to have YOU come along for the ride too!

Bringing it to the top!

We’ve had some rad new faces joining us this week, come check us out!

happy reset day! Hopefully everyone gets lucky with a nice upgrade and a short lived dopamine rush. Make sure you have someone to celebrate with or complain to when it all goes bad. Join Tribal today!

Please join this guild…and stuff. solid group of raiders…AND THE MOST LEGENDARY HUNTER TO EVER EXIST

Are your arrows going to … block out the sun?

Thursday Thought to bring it to the top:
Why is champagne in the bathtub self-care but whenever i drink a PBR in the shower I’m just a trashy alcoholic?

Its been sweet seeing so many players returning to WoW in preparation for TWW. Come experience the expansion with a new group who’s excited to do the same!

Bringing it to the top! Happy Saturday, Azeroth.