418 equipped resto druid 50 ap main. High performing raider, raiding end game since wrath. 7/8 uldir 6/9 bod - quit halfway through this tier due to losing guild and couldn’t find a good replacement. Coming back for 8.2 and looking for legit mythic raid team. Competent and skilled healer/player who regularly has high rankings and parses.
I come prepared to raid with every consumable, gem and enchant that could ever be needed for both me and the team. I’ve served on loot councils, as dps officers (warlock and warrior, in past expansions) and as a healer rotation coordinator. I min/max every aspect of my play and I spend as much time analyzing my logs (and my competition’s logs) as I do actually playing the game. My UI is 14 years of ongoing work, clean and practical. All classes max level, most at 395+.
Horde only, prefer Mal’ganis server but for the proper fit a server transfer is an option. No raging/screaming raid leaders and no discords that allow burping, farting, eating chips, etc. in the open mic. Drama guilds need not apply. No minors in the guild or on the raid team, English speaking only.
About me in RL: 35, military vet of 8 years, finished college last year, farmer, hunter, beer drinker, pixel slayer. Been playing wow since late classic, played and raided end game Everquest for five years prior, regular PUBG and Civ 5 player.
All times are available, but the perfect fit would be late night and/or weekends. No time constraints, just my preferred hours. Very high preference on late night guilds.
All of you guilds who go through the forums spamming your recruitment message on every single post, please skip over me as I have no interest in those types of guilds. Cheers!