[H] [Mal’ganis] <LiveWire> 6/11M 10/10M SOD Mon/Tues LF RDPS

< LiveWire > is a 2-Day semi-hardcore raiding guild that was on Arthas but now on Mal’ganis to get off a dead server. Our goal is to get back to Cutting Edge again in 9.2 on a limited schedule.

[Schedule] - All Times are Eastern Standard Time

Monday - 8:30pm to 11:30pm
Tuesday - 8:30-11:30pm


At least AOTC with Mythic experience from previous tier. (With Logs)
Complete at least a +15 mythic dungeon each weekly.
Be able to make Monday and Tuesday raid times. (90%+ Attendance)
Be able to use Discord and a mic during raid nights

[Current Needs]

Melee: - Any high preforming dps
Ranged: - Mage/Boomkin/Hunter/Spriest,

My Discord Hellrider#7410

yall still looking for a resto shaman?

Looking for a mage or high preforming dps that are also geared

271 Mage returning to game LF guild. 9/10M CN, 9/10M SOD.
Battletag is Wiind#11742