Danny Devito Fanclub [Horde - Mal’ganis] is a casual AOTC raiding guild looking to fill its ranks for our weekly raids.
We raid every SATURDAY at 7PM [central/server], rain or shine. We are currently looking for more RDPS/MDPS and healers. Any faction/server is welcome in our guild!
As the name indicates, we are a group who enjoy a good meme. Our core raid group has been raiding together since Legion, and we welcome all who are interested in raiding with us. Additionally, we consistently achieve AOTC as a guild every tier.
We are looking for more like minded folks to join us. We are primarily looking for those who are interested in the long haul and want to find a new core group.
Reach out anytime!
SAT 7pm - 10pm [central/server]
[Andre - GM/RL] BNET: Andreinator#1396 & DISCORD: andreinator