(H)Mage LF Mythic-Former XP

Greetings, community.

I’m looking for a guild to raid mythic with. I have pretty extensive experience raiding mythic in the past (Draenor/Before) but have been off-raiding/casual for a while after my guild disbanded on Archimonde (12/13M HFC).

I’d like to join a guild for progression in mythic content. I’m currently about 442 ilvl and 8/8H.

Edit: My Btag is Tilko#1815 and it’s the easiest way to reach me.

Thanks for the attention.

Heya! We are looking for a mage for our mythic team! We are currently 3/8M and raid Sun/Mon 8-11 PM Eastern. We’re a chill, adult, semi-hardcore guild that has an active community in game and discords. We have a heroic-only team as well, we are big on mythic+, and we also are starting an rbg team. We have very few rules and requirements for raiding, as our only expectation is that everyone works to constantly improve and be part of the team. If you’re looking for a place to hang out and have a good time while making raid progress, we may be for you :slight_smile:

I’d love to chat with you more, so if our times work for you toss me a message on Bnet Ama#11132 or you can add me on Discord Ama#4407 (though Bnet is an easier way to catch me)

Requiem Eternum has been a horde guild on Llane since the beginning, consistently raiding throughout WoW’s history. We always get AoTC, and push into mythic as far as we can, but are currently looking to expand our mythic roster to achieve Cutting Edge in future tiers.

Check us out on Raider io and Wowprogress. Let us know if you’re interested!

** Server:** (Llane/Arygos)

Raid Times/Days: 9-12pm EST, Mon/ Thurs

Current Progression: EP 8/8H

Recruitment Contacts: Prime#12803(Btag), Prime#8533(Discord), Click#5007(Discord)

Requirements: Good attitude and awareness. Reliable raid attendance, but we understand real life commitments happen. Puts effort into improvement and gearing both in and out of raids. This includes Mythic+ and potions.

Needs: DPS - Balance Druid, DK, Paladin, Mage, Priest.

Heals - Paladin or Priest.
Will consider all applicants, regardless of spec or class.

Hey would love to chat, our info will be posted below. Reach out if interested.

Sellouts on Illidan horde side.

We are a close knit community looking to add a few key players to take the guild to Cutting edge and beyond. Current progression is 4/8M. Had a few members have the life bug hit them and we need to bring in some heavy hitters to help us continue our push!

We raid Tuesdays and Wednesdays 8pm-11pm realm time (9-12 EST) with optional nights Thursday and Saturday. We also have a very consistent M+ community with multiple 15+ keys happening just about daily (lower keys as well).

Current needs include ranged (preferably with a comfortable healing off spec): Druid, Shaman, or priest (preferably disc/shadow). Will also consider exceptional hunters, mages, warlocks. Strong mele candidates are also recommended to reach out as we truly believe in “bring the player not the class” and can make room for the right fit.

Thanks for taking the time to read this if you would like to chat or looking for more info please feel free to reach out. Necropoles#1464 bnet or cubfucious#8979 discord both go to my phone and will be answered as soon as i recieve the notification.

Hi Ampid, our raid team BTH is currently looking for a mage. Check us out below and visit our site to apply. Hope to hear from you!

Rally (Alliance)

ChooChoo Raid Team: 6/8M 8/8H; 9/9M (Cuttingedge)

Break Time Homocide Raid Team: 3/8M 8/8H; 6/9M (BoD)

FART Raid Team: 3/8M 8/8H; 3/9M (BoD)

NACHO Raid Team: 7/8H 8/8N; 9/9H (Heroic Only)

Raid Times:

ChooChoo: Tuesday/Thursday 8pm - 11pm EST

BTH: Tuesday/Thursday 8pm - 11pm EST

FART: Thursday 8:30pm - 1130pm EST

NACHO: Tues 8pm-11pm EST

Wednesday: Guild wide open raids 8pm - 10:30pm EST

Fridays: Achievement runs, Jackbox Party Games, M+ races, discord event and contests

Sunday 8:30 - 10:30pm EST Casual/Alt Optional open raids

Monday PvP (Rated BG’s 8:30 - 10:30 pm)


Dalaran - PvE (US)

About Us:

<Rally> is a guild founded upon the principle that we want to enjoy the people we are playing with. Rather than being a raiding guild that is social, we are a social guild that raids. We use very exclusive recruitment methods to ensure compatibility among members to maintain a cohesive atmosphere at all times.

Our guild is inclusive of all skill and experience levels as well as a variety of end game goals. From the new player who is still leveling to the retired hard core raider who is looking for a challenge on a more forgiving schedule. An experienced player with a buddy brand new to the game. We have an option for just about everyone. Most importantly, we are a community. We are a home. When you want a great group of people to hand with but don’t want to wear pants, RALLY is the answer!

Guild Atmosphere

We have mostly adults here, averaging about 30 in age. We’re still plenty immature at times and we have lots of fun. There’s some dry humor, a meme channel in Discord and hidden bot commands to troll each other. We’re a family here. We spend the day chatting in Discord chat from our phones or work until people start getting home and logging in. We have people with children and families and share complaints about cranky children and spouses. We are a highly active community of people. If you joined Rally, you could physically raid 5 nights a week and a lot of people do. We bring alts to other raids or even raid the same raids again despite loot lockouts because it’s just fun to hang with these people and smash !@#$ together.

We are looking to recruit people who fit into our group well and get along. We are looking for people who care and want to learn and get better or are already skilled but lack the time to dedicate to hardcore raiding as well. Whether you still want to push progression or just want to raid once a week for fun and minimal pressure, please apply!

We are a tight knit community of friends with a solid foundation of real life and long term friends having played WoW and other games together for 10+ years. We have a diverse membership with several couples, male and female, and new and experienced players. Our Discord is active during the day while people are at work and we are always spending time online running Mythic+, alt raids, popup raids, world quest groups, leveling alts, helping each other level and gear, etc.

Currently Recruiting:

Rally is always looking for personalities who fit into our team and are willing to wait for specific raid openings in the name of joining an amazing guild.

However, our current raid openings are as follows:

Choo Choo: Ranged DPS

BTH: Healer, DPS, potential tank


NACHO: Closed

How to Apply:


Hey! Feel free to reach out!

About Us:
Premonition (5/8M 8/8H EP, Cutting Edge EN+NH+Ant+Uldir+BoD) is a Horde guild on US-Magtheridon. Our raid team has been together since MoP and we pride ourselves in maintaining a stable home for players. We are looking to bolster our roster with players who are interested in progressing Mythic content. While we maintain a laid-back, non-elitist environment, we are in no means casual – our goal every tier is to push CE. We have streams available for anyone who is interested in checking out our raid environment. Outside of raid, we have an active player base looking to complete M+’s every day to farm gear/score and complete 10s for the week. We also play games outside of WoW and have an active Discord.

Raid Times:
Monday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Tuesday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Thursday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST

Extensive knowledge of your class
Non-toxic/elitist attitude
Consistent attendance (90%+)
Ability to communicate (have a working mic)
Bring dps/health pots (we provide flasks, food buffs, and vantus runes)
Desire to be competitive

Recruitment Needs:
Do not hesitate to apply even if we’re not looking for your class. We are always looking for talented players in all roles/classes.

Ret Pally w/ Holy OS
BrM Monk

Fury/Arms Warr
Ele Sham
Balance Druid
Havoc DH

Feel free to apply at h.ttps://bit.ly/2mq18ln

Btag - Eatmyrice#11578, Ludacris#1776, or Limeyman#1556; Contact us in-game with any questions and to start the painless application process.

Hi there id love to chat a little if youd be interested, we are 3/8M with ashvane to 8% she will certainly die this week, we are ex top raiders that are now semi hardcore, we raid 7-10est tues/wed

Btag- lyssa#1156
Discord- Olysian#5213

Hey there add me to bnet. We are 4/8M EP horde guild and very interested in a mage to join the team. TUE/WED 915-1215 Eastern. Lets chat more specifics when you add me


Who We Are

Tequila Sundown is a Mythic raid team formed within the <Karma Horde> guild on US-Stormreaver Horde. We’re a “positively determined” progression team that maintains a light-hearted atmosphere while tackling mythic difficulty content. We’re mature adults with jobs and family seeking like-minded players who have a passion for the game but want to avoid the needless angst or drama that often gets associated with progression raiding. We log on to have fun - so come have some fun with us!

A Team Within a Community

Our raid team is one of three within the larger guild of <Karma Horde>, which was formed back during WotLK. As such, the guild and Discord are very active and social. There are always people around online and in-game. The community atmosphere is welcoming and friendly to players of all levels. The guild enforces a Code of Conduct that has zero tolerance for hate/offensive speech.

We are always looking to add players with a friendly personality and lots of passion for the game. We want players who are going to log in on non-raid nights and be down for all the other things we’re into: pushing mythic+, doing world quests, PVP shenanigans, achievement hunting, hyper-competitive fishing… there’s so much to do and so many ways to enjoy the game. This is our favorite hobby and we’d like to play with you if it is yours, too.

Progression Goals
We are currently 3/8M 8/8H in the Eternal Palace.

We strive for a fun environment that takes the challenges of mythic seriously and giving the content the respect it deserves. Our aim is, as all mythic teams, full clear of content but with always keeping the friendly spirit of camaraderie alive. Performance matters, but so does staying positive and finding the fun in the difficulty of a raid. We do not require mythic raid experience to join our team but we do expect mythic-level dedication and accountability from all of our raiders. You must be able to take constructive criticism and have ownership over your level of play, and be willing to put in the effort to be a contribution to the team.

Raid Days/Times
Our mandatory raids are:
Tuesdays 10:45pm - 1:45am CT (8:45pm - 11:45pm PT)
Thursdays 10:45pm - 1:45am CT (8:45pm - 11:45pm PT)
Optional (but encouraged):
Wednesdays 10:45pm - 1:45am CT (8:45pm - 11:45pm PT)
Wednesday nights are for farming the previous raid difficulty and very rarely requires the entire evening.

Recruitment Needs

Mythic caliber players who love to play, are ready to contribute, and seeking a long term raiding home on a resilient team that does not fold. Any DPS class/spec.

Interested? Next steps:
Please check out our team’s wiki on the Karma Horde subreddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/FTH/wiki/tequilasundown
Read the Guild’s Code of Conduct. - https://www.reddit.com/r/FTH/wiki/coc
Complete and submit a New Raider Application - https://forms.gle/HJcJYPujRFi8fdcZ8
Join the guild’s Discord Server - https://discord.gg/3Pb3QXs
Add the Raid Leaders on bnet: joat#1832, DrunkGreek#1742, Lambkill#1856.
Or on Discord: joat#1832, Pharscyde#9734, sayver#9682.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Hey there if you’re still looking, we might be a good fit for you if you’re interested in semi-hardcore mythic progression. We are especially looking for more ranged non hunter dps(ele shaman, spriest, warlock, mage, boomkin).

We’re looking to grow our M+ community as well as a couple more people to round out our roster and push further mythic raids in a laid back manner(get as far as we can but no stressin it). We’re all mostly older raiders who understand life happens. We do tmog runs when there’s interest and m+s regularly throughout the week.

CD is a progression-oriented guild that’s been around for 13 years and recently moved to Area 52 from the Eonar server. We pride ourselves on only playing with people we actually enjoy spending time with(no toxicity or drama) and are currently looking for mature players to bolster our roster. We are currently 9/9 Heroic and 3/9 Mythic BOD 2/2 H CoS. We’re 8/8N 8/8H EP 3/8 M. We plan to push into mythic and get as far as we can. We also have a strong Mythic+ community.

Our main raid nights are Wednesdays and Sundays 8-11PM EST. We also frequently do a Friday Night Normal fun/alt raid and M+ runs on most non-raid nights.

Hit up Begzilla(Chibi#1952), Slowthar(Cretia#11550), Daishii(lokiashaman#1399) or Moruba/Andoras(Dolgare#1940) for more info and to do some runs and get to know us.

Hello Ampid i’d love to get a chance to talk to you! My guild is a horde guild on the server Hyjal. We currently raid Tue/Thur from 7:30-10:30pm PST with the current progression of 4/8M. We are looking to add some strong mages/RDPS to our roster to help make a better push for CE. Feel free to contact me on Bnet @ Delgalo#1485 or Discord @ Delgalo#9742. Hope to hear from you soon!

is an Alliance raiding guild on Sargeras (8/8H EP 5/8)
About Us:
Our core is composed a few real life friends who have been playing together for years. We have built around that core and are looking to solidify our remaining raid spots. We are a small tight knit guild that considers each other more like family. We have an active discord and mythic+ community. We pride ourselves on our community and laid back environment. We like to joke around and pick on each other all in good fun, but when it comes to progression we know how to change modes and be serious to get content down. In the future we plan to be a cutting edge guild and are looking for long term raiders with these same attributes. Our atmosphere is extremely important to us, therefore we have a zero drama tolerance.
Raid Schedule:
Tuesdays and Wednesdays 7:30-10:30pm CST (Invites are sent out 10 minutes prior)
All raiders are expected to:
• Complete at least 1 +10 key per week.
• Have DBM/Bigwigs, AngryAssignments, and WeakAuras.
• Sign up to raids on the in-game calendar.
• Be on time for raid invites with consumables.

We are looking for competent and reliable raiders that can maintain a 90% attendance rate. We are all adults with lives outside the game so we do understand that things happen. Our policy on missing raids is to notify an officer before raid, unless an emergency occurs.

If you are interested in joining add one of our battle tags:
Bnet: AFusco#1382
Bnet: Ash#11430
Discord: Celesaris#7924

Reprieve is a serious guild experienced is 8/8H AOTC. Most of us have ether CE experience in the past and/or present since vanilla. Looking to finish our Mythic raid team with semi-hardcore progression 2-3 nights a week. Current schedule is Tues/Weds Midnight (12am) to 3am EST. Third night may be Thursday based on raid team’s availability. In our off times we run plenty of high keys and alt raid runs.

Mythic Raid Team Recruitment:
High: Ret pally, Mage
Medium: Death knight, Warlock, WW Monk, Spriest, Boomkin
(But applicants may be considered based on skill/exp)

Healers - Resto shammy, Priest, Hpally, (But applicants may be considered based on skill/exp)
Tank - Closed (Applicants may be considered based on skill/exp)

Mythic raid team members are held to a high standard of performance. You must be capable of surviving encounters with minimal failure damage and maintain proper DPS/HPS for your class. Anyone falling below tolerated levels (based on logs) or causing wipes may be replaced or removed from the raid team roster.

We welcome all server transfer as we have had a lot.

Recruitment is open to all for social and mythic+ runs.

To discuss more please add:
Verrondris#1940 (Class Lead/ Officer)
Perifery#1135 (Class Lead/ Officer)

We look forward to hearing from you!

Hey Ampid!

Glitched-Stormrage(A) (4/8M EP) is recruiting DPS with healing/tank offspecs!

Who we are: Glitched is semi-hardcore 2 night a week Mythic raiding guild on Stormrage-US (A). We’re looking to add to our roster to achieve Cutting Edge in Eternal Palace.

We are a guild of like-minded raiders, some of whom have been raiding together since BC. Progression is our top priority, but we maintain a positive, enjoyable raiding environment to progress in. We expect ourselves to be prepared for encounters, to hold ourselves accountable when we make mistakes, and to be working to improve our play. Apparently, we also like to make fun of the way our frenchie GM pronounces words, or summon her countless times even though she is already in the raid!

Outside of raid, there’s plenty of keys being run, achievement runs and shi*ter nights happening and all the discord chatter you could ever ask for, hope for or need.

Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8-11PM EST

Alt Run : Sunday Nights, 8-11 PM EST

What we are looking for: Currently, our biggest needs are DPS with an off-spec of healer or tank. Any exceptional applicant will be considered.

What we want in an applicant: We expect you to be able to raid consistently, to show up on time and ready to go. With only 6 hours a week to raid in, we need to make every pull matter, and so we expect our raiders to be prepared for each encounter. We also want to keep our close knit atmosphere, so your attitude matters.

If you are interested, please fill out an application on our Discord (jASfMpE). If you have questions, you can chat with our GM VanPep#1434 on Discord or in-game Deadlycute#1734. Looking forward to hearing from you! =)

About us
Imperial Guard is an established raiding guild that has members playing together dating all the way back to Dragon Soul. We are located on Horde Illidan. Imperial Guard is a progression focused guild that intends on pushing content as far as we possibly can while still maintaining a fun environment. We run content of all difficulties so that each individual member of the guild will feel like they are a part of the group. We have 3 raid teams, Fri/Sat 7-11 CST (4/8M), Wed/Thur 7-10 CST (AOTC, 1/8M), and Tue/Thur 8-11CST. We also host “fun runs” or gearing runs that anyone is invited to attended regardless of most raid requirements. If raiding is not your thing, join us for keys! While we are not raiding we fill our time pushing mythic keystones, we have many members that range from just starting out to pushing 1800 io and climbing.

Our needs

Our 4/8M team raids Friday/Saturday 7-11CST is currently lf a mage dps however all exceptional players will be considered

HIGH Priority:
Demon Hunter ( dps )

Balance druid
Monk - DPS

Anything that is not on medium, or high, but will consider exceptional players.

Our Wed/Thur group 1/8M (AoTC)

High Priority
Disc Priest

Lock Spriest

Anything else not listed will be considered.


Our Tue/Thur team is just starting out and currently accepting all classes and roles


We also have a very active mythic+ community with many players pushing 1.2k+ and guild leadership of 1.7k.

Non raiders are also welcome to join the guild while they get ready for raiding or just wanting to find a cool group of people to hang out with and kill some normal bosses for Sh!ts and giggles.

Contact Info

GM & Fri/Sat Raid Leader
Tiekenee#1613 - Btag
Thirdpint#1123 - Discord

Wed/Thur Raid Leader
fen7740#1209 - Btag
Fen#1163 - Discord

Tue/Thur Raid Leader
stixz#1697 - Btag
stixz#1585 - Discord

Hey Ampid,

You didn’t give any contact information, so you’ll need to reach out to me. Add me on bnet @ Wretchedmist#1868 and on Discord @ Wretchedmist#7609, and then send me a tell. I’d like to hop into Discord and have a conversation tonight.

I’m looking to add a mage to our raid team and guild starting right away this week on Wednesday and Thursday and continuing into the future. If you’re looking for a long-term home and stable place to raid, give us a look.

My name is Wretchedmist and I’m the GM of Obsidian Spur on the Thrall realm. We’re a 2004 Horde launch guild originally from Sargeras. I’ve been the GM since TBC. Most recent progression is 4/8M Palace, 8/9M BoD, 2/2H Crucible, and 6/8M Uldir. We’re currently working on mythic Orogozoa.

Look up our guild write-up on wowprogress for details about us. Our raid times are Wednesday and Thursday from 8:00 - 11:30 PM eastern. We also do flex/heroic raids on Sunday nights starting at the same time, although I have this cancelled for right now since we’re deeper into the current raid tier.

I hope you add me! Thanks for your time,
Wretchedmist - GM of Obsidian Spur

Illidan[H] REWIND 5/8M 2 days guild


We are recruiting for core spot in mythic raiding. Currently 5/8M and 9/9M in BoD.

Raid times

Tuesday/Wednesday 7PM to 10PM CST (Need to be online 15 minutes before raid to do trash).


Close to 100% attendance is required obviously RL happens, but we raid only 6 hours per week, so almost perfect attendance is required to be a raider.

How to Apply

  • Visit our website : rewindguild (dot)me

  • Before filling up the application, Read raider expectations, it’s easy and takes 2 sec.

  • If you don’t put any effort in your app, probably shouldn’t app.

  • Don’t see your class or spec? No worries! Applications are always open, and every class, role, and spec is encouraged to app.


If you have any questions feel free to message any of the below (please note that adding someone doesn’t mean you won’t need to app :slight_smile:

Nietto : Battletag Mat#11420

Shdwphnx : Battletag Shdwphnx#1623.

Rawrlax : Snoarlax#1646

Asagami : Battletag Sasha#12635

Renegades is a Horde raiding guild on Trollbane. We raid on Saturday and Sunday evenings from 6:30 - 10 p.m. EST. We are currently 4/8M (working on Orgozoa) and 8/8H (AotC) in Eternal Palace.

The guild was formed in May 2010 with a focus on community, and we pride ourselves on balancing a friendly environment with pushing Mythic progression. If you’re looking for a guild where raiders push progression at the expense of the people that they’re raiding with, we are not the right guild for you. But if you’re looking for a place to kill Mythic bosses with a quality team of players, I would welcome the opportunity to talk to you and tell you more about our guild.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss our guild and raiding environment further, please add my BattleTag, Zaranna#1449.

Thank you for your consideration.

Greetings Ampid!

<Club Chaos> has arrived on [US-Illidan H] and is recruiting for Mythic Progression!

Tracing its roots all the way back to Cataclysm, <Club Chaos> has a long and successful track record of raiding. Today we bring a core of fifteen raiders whose goal each tier is not only AOTC, but as much mythic content as possible, and are looking for raiders with similar goals.

Current raid nights are Wednesday, Thursday and Monday from 8:30p to 11:30p EST. Current progression is 2/8m 8/8h EP. We are an adult guild who likes to have fun and gamble during raids. If foul language, sexually ambiguous commentary, and an NSFW channel in discord offend you we may not be that home for you.

However, if you’ve gotten this far and are someone who can avoid mechanics, progress with patience and determination, and accept a good old “F You” as a compliment then you may fit right in with us. Contact an officer to discuss raiding opportunities - [btag] Proinnseas#1437 or [discord] Proinnseas#6955; [btag] Weasel#1273 or [discord] Bayneslayer#4726.

Hi there! If you are looking for an efficient raiding environment on a light schedule please give us a look. We are an Alliance guild on Sargeras so I’m not sure if you’d be willing to transfer for a trial. We are 4/8M (Org at 7%) with only 1-night, 4hrs/week schedule. We raid Tues 7:30-11:30 central. Let us know if you are interested