My old guild just randomly decided to transfer to Alliance totally out of the blue and left those who didn’t want to transfer to rot, leaving me guildless just before the new raid tier
What I’m looking for in a guild:
- No toxicity (yelling, elitism, drama, fighting, control-freak raid leads, etc).
- No edgelords (discrimination, suicide jokes, stigma, etc).
- Relatively clean environment (inappropriate/immature jokes are a huge turn-off for me. It doesn’t have to be 100% clean, but if it’s constant and severe then I’m not interested).
- Late raid times (the absolute earliest I can possibly do is 6 PST, even later is preferable).
What I can offer:
- A friendly, positive attitude and a good (clean) sense of humour.
- Solid performance in a heroic or casual mythic environment. I have several years of AotC experience, as well as some recent mythic experience in Uldir (5/8 M) and BoD (2/9 M). I had a 86% performance average in H BoD (can provide logs upon request).
If you think I’d be a good fit for your guild or if you have any questions, you can add me on bnet (seven#13704), or discord (Seven#8204).
Well if you decide to go Alliance, I absolutely think you’d fit well with our guild. We’re an AoTC guild that likes to do Mythic and we don’t start raiding till 7:45p PST (2x/week). If you want to chat further, let me know.
Hi Adyria,
We are Mistakes Remade an AotC focused guild on Area-52 who is looking for rdps for AEP. We raid S/Su 10pm-1amEST (7pm-10pm for us PST folks).
We focus on achieving AotC each tier then casually progress on lower level mythic bosses for the remainder of the tier. We are an adult oriented guild who believes this is a game, and while we focus on progression we want to enjoy ourselves along the way.
I’ve sent a btag request to you if you’d like to talk more,
Although I think our times might be a hair off, please feel free to join our Discord in case you’d like to run mythic+s!
<Annunaki> (H-US-Turalyon) is an AotC focused raid guild looking to add to the AotC raid roster for 8.2 for AEP.
Spots open are: DPS: Lock, Boomkin, Mage, Spriest
BfA Progression: All AotCs
Raid times are Tues/Thurs 7:45PM EST - 10PM EST.
Voice Chat: Discord
(feel free to join!)
Requirements: 400+ ilvl, 45+ neck, good attendance, good attitude
Our main goal is to create a mature and relaxed yet competitive atmosphere seeking AotC kills where everyone can have fun playing the game.
If you would like more information please check out: https://guildsofwow.com/annunaki
Contact methods:
Discord(preferred) at:Aureil#6653
Btag: eternainfer#1281
Hey Adryia,
Fathom is a friendly Horde mythic progression guild on Mal’Ganis, (9/9H 5/9M) who aim for our guild to be a real home for our members as well as maximizing the 2 night raid schedule, so our raids are both enjoyable and efficient.
We raid Fri and Sat nights, 8:00pm to 11:00pm CST. and are preparing for Eternal Palace getting ready for a cutting edge. At the moment we just need a few full time raiders to round our roster out.
I’d love to have a chat if you’re interested. Best of luck with your hunting!
You can check us at:
Thanks for time, hope the hunt goes well!
One last bump before I give up
Our raid team has been together for going on 3 years in our large guild of 12 years . Most of raiders are in there upper 20s to low 40s . We raid Tues and Wed nights and form up at 5:45 Pm Pst (8:45 Pm Est) first pull is at the top of the hour . We raid efficiently without much drama and do not have dysfunctional personality types . We raid for no more than 3 hours during progression and will add usually Friday during new raid content. I have a few spots open for EP and will consider paying for server transfer for the “right fit” . We will do some mythic raiding but it is not our primary focus. Tank that can dps or heal , heals ,and 2 dps ….but any talented player is always welcome. Thank you DISCORD only HORSE#5014