[h] m4/10 t/th 8:30pm-11:30pm est - noble house-emerald dream

Hello hello! Are you looking for a semi-hardcore raid environment where a positive attitude is a top priority? Look no further! Noble house-Emerald Dream is looking to recruit DPS for our Mythic Roster.

About us:
We are currently 4/10 Mythic (7/12M-NYA). We are a group of friends that mostly share laughs throughout the week but put on our serious face during raid. We try to foster a positive and inclusive environment while downing bosses! We also push keys between raids and are always looking for good tanks and healers for M+.

Wednesday: Heroic 8:30-11:30pm
T/Th: Mythic Progression 8:30-11:30 pm

We run heroic Nathria on Wednesday and all trials will be invited. DPS, Mechanics and general attitude will be assessed.

Good attitude, studying the fights beforehand is required

Recruitment Needs:
All specs are considered*

Ranged: Spriest, Fire Mage, Boomkin
Melee: Enh Shaman, DH, DK
Healers: RShammy, Disc Priest
Tanks: Currently not needed for raid team but feel free to apply especially if you like running keys

Contact Discord:



Yo I heard this guild is so sick, like not covid sick, but like Tony Hawk doing an ollie 520 for the last time sick, I love Tony Hawk.

Their Discord has Puppies in it!!!

I hear they have a really dope fury warrior.

10/10 would raid again

yo we have cupcakes

1 Like

LMAO! thats amazing xD

can confirm about the puppies

One could say their guild events are…Shockingly amazing ;D

This guild is poggers

How in the world did you get this post highlighted so easily?

Im thinking you told all the guildies to go like/comment to get immediate attention… lmao nice.


Thank you for posting this