I am coming back to retail for shadowlands i have been playing classic but i’m done with classic now and want to get ready for the new expac. I want to find a mythic guild. I intend on playing a Rogue or DK just depending on balance or whatever a guild may need. Open to ideas if you need anything specific. I have raided since vanilla i did not raid much in BFA but i did mythic raid in Legion. Add me on discord Killpacko#2758 or bnet Killpacko#1641. Thanks!
Hey Killpacko,
If you are willing to go Alliance, I think we could be a good fit - we have a couple people who skipped out on raiding BFA but have plenty of Mythic experience, so you’re not the only one. Check out our goals and if they line up with yours, shoot us a message.
Hey man we could totally use a deathknight…
About us:
Two Jungle Juice [H] is an 4/12 M is a semi-hardcore raiding guild that raids Wednesday and Thursday 730pm-10pm Eastern. Our raid atmosphere is progression-focused with friendly, skilled and dedicated members. We enjoy gambling between boss fights or even during them if your quick enough. Also, we generate an open and friendly atmosphere where anyone can voice their opinions in discord or chat.
We’re made up of a healthy mix of former high-end raiders, and Gladiator/rank1 players looking for a guild that doesn’t take itself too seriously, plus a few people who have stepped into mythic raiding with us. Some of us have been playing one game or another together for over a decade, but a lot of members are new playing together and having fun this expansion!
Jungle Juice emphasizes providing a fun, relaxed environment and a positive atmosphere.
Currently recruiting:
1 healer
DPS (melee or ranged)
Exceptional applicants of all classes and roles
Social players/pvp/key pushers also welcomed as we have multiple players who enjoy arena/ and the occasional RBG from time to time.
Mythic Raid Schedule:
Wednesday, 730-1030pm EST (invites at 7:15pm)
Thursday, 730-1030pm EST (invites at 7:15pm)
Heroic alt/gearing group Saturdays (730ish to 10ish)
Hey Vanh!
I’m Eluvian from an 11/12 M Guild on Area 52. We’ve recently reformed under this name for the purpose of creating a CE-oriented guild with the goal of consistently achieving CE each tier. Currently, we’re progging Nzoth and we’re also recruiting for SL. Our leadership has past CE experience and we have a great core of people so we’re looking for like-minded players to join us.
We currently raid 2 nights a week, Tues/Thurs from 9pm-12am EST. We have added a 3rd night (Wed) for N’zoth prog and this may occasionally happen in the future when the situation calls for it. We are a pretty chill group of people who also enjoy spending time together outside of raid as much as inside of raid whether it’s pushing keys, casual pvp and more. We are fairly active doing keys within the guild and it’s important to us to ensure this continues into SL as keys and raiding are usually complementary to each other.
We work hard to ensure the raid and guild environment are positive, we’re all there to push ourselves to be better and have a good time and we don’t want to lose sight of that. We have exciting plans for SL and I would love to speak with you more if you are interested! I’ve listed my btag below, feel free to add me if you’d like to speak further
Hey Vanh! Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join Optimal Baddies and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time! Recommended by 4 out of 5 Spirit Healers.
Jokes aside we are a semi hardcore raiding guild looking to clear heroic and mythic.
Raid times are as follows.
Monday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
Tuesday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
If interested please reach out to one of us!
Bnet - Goldfish#1198
Discord - Goldfish#7851
Bnet - Ninjaspace#1577
Discord -ninjaXpope#0788
Bnet - megaFly#11904
Discord - megaFly06#6053